Sunday Gathering Information

Sunday Summer Gathering Information
8:00am: Classic Grace Worship Indoors (Sanctuary)
9:30am: Contemporary Joy Worship Indoors
Here are the guidelines for in-person worship:
Basic Guidelines
- Masks. The biggest issue has been regarding masks. I shared in the opening paragraph of this email part of the Colorado Executive Order D 2021 103 in this regard. For those who are more comfortable continuing to wear a mask, whether vaccinated or not, that is left to your discretion and personal comfort. So whether you choose to wear a mask or not, rest assured that you are welcome to do so, without judgment!
Hand Shaking, Hugs, etc. Hand shaking, hugs, and other greeting will be at your own personal comfort level. - Pew Ribbons. For the time being we are going to keep the ribbons on every other pew, primarily for the comfort of all as we ease back into normal.
- We will have hand sanitizers by each of the sanctuary doors as well as outside by the west doors for outdoor worship.
- If you have or have had a temperature above 100.4 within 24 hours of worship, please stay home.
- If you have a cough or have not been feeling well within 24 hours of worship, please stay home.
- If you cough or sneeze, use a tissue to cover your nose and mouth. If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your elbow.
- Wash your hands after using the restroom.
Immanuel Protocols
- We will not be passing the offering baskets during worship. Offering baskets will be at each of the doors of the sanctuary and for outdoor worship the offering baskets will be located at the corners of our worship space. All are encouraged to use electronic giving from the homepage of our website or the Immanuel app (contact the church office if you need assistance with how to do this).
- All interior doors will remain propped open.
- If you prefer, the exterior door on the east main entrance can be opened by pressing the handicap button.
- All door handles (interior, exterior, sanctuary, and restroom), the wooden pews in the sanctuary, and any metal folding chairs used for outdoor worship will be sanitized prior to worship each week.
- Every other row in the sanctuary is taped off to help create physical distance between worshipers.
- There will be no nursery available. There are changing tables in each of the bathrooms in the west atrium. Also, the atrium is available for those kiddos that need to get the “wiggles” out!
- There will be one—time-use “worship busy bags” for children located by the entrance to the sanctuary for 8:00am worship and by doors into the west atrium for 9:30am worship.