News This Week
Join the youth group (anyone 7th grade to 12th) on Wednesdays from 6:00pm-8:00pm for Bible Study, games, time together, and fellowship! Resumes next week (Feb. 19) – contact Miss Emma for more information or any questions at egiger@immanuelloveland.org.
Check out the many opportunities to learn and grow on Sunday mornings for children, youth, and adults! Come and join in the fun and the learning!
Sunday Education Hour is from 9:30-10:20am. Questions? Adult classes, email Pastor Robin rdugall@immanuelloveland.org; children and youth ministries, contact Miss Emma (egiger@ImmanuelLoveland.org).
Adult Classes:
- Discussing Mere Christianity – Joe Sarr (room #205)
- The Gospel of Luke – Pastor Robin (room #206)
- Prayer – Pastor Greg and Lindy Hafeman (room #36)
- Immanuel 101 – Pastor Glen (room #112)
Sunday School for Kids:
- Infant/Toddler Class: Room 110, 0-4 year olds, with music, a Bible story, and time to play.
- Sunday School Opening: All 4-year-olds-4th Graders start in Room 113 for opening. After Opening, children go to their age-appropriate classes as follows:
- PreK-1st Grade Class: Room 108, 4-year-olds attending Preschool through 1st Graders, a Bible story, game, craft, and snack.
- 2nd-4th Grade Class: Room 113, 2nd through 4th Graders Bible story, game, activity, craft, and snack.
- Bridge56: Room 204, 5th and 6th graders, Bible overview!
Sunday School for Middle School and High School Youth:
- Middle School Confirmation – 7th and 8th graders, Room 207
- High School Youth – Join Joe Sarr’s class on Discussing Mere Christianity (Room 205)
“The Gospel of Luke” – Pastor Robin, Teacher and Leader (Location - Room #206 - Upstairs) The Gospel of Luke stands out among the four gospel stories of Jesus in unique ways. Luke’s story of Jesus is from a historical perspective that makes it perfect for us to study on how the gospel is relevant to us and our times and world. In our Adult Education ministry, we are committed to having at least one, on-going Bible Study open weekly for any adult who is interested in learning more about God’s Word. Pastor Robin will be continuing to lead this study as we make our way into the new year. There will be plenty of new insights to learn as well as ample time for discussion as we grow in Jesus together. Come, bring your Bible, and join in!
“Discussing Mere Christianity (C.S. Lewis)” – Book Study and Discussion with Joe Sarr (Location - Room #205 Upstairs) It’s not too late to join this video-based study, where you will discover why Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis is one of the most read and beloved Christian books of all time. Now seventy years after it was first delivered on radio, what relevance does it have in today’s world? Video Host Eric Metaxas and a variety of Christian leaders (e.g. N.T. Wright, Tim Keller, Lauren Winner, Devin Brown, Paul McCusker, Douglas Gresham) explore the positive ideas that C.S. Lewis has so eloquently written about in Mere Christianity for those who already call themselves a Christian and explain in a non-threatening way the basic tenants of the Christian faith as illustrated by C.S. Lewis to those who do not claim to be a Christian. Joe Sarr facilitates this class, which is filled with great insights, practical application of God’s truth to life, the viewing of special YouTube videos called, C.S. Lewis Doodles, and lively discussions.
”PRAYER” (starting January 12th) – Book and Video Study with Pastor Greg and Lindy Hafeman, Leaders (Location – Room #36 – LWML Room) Prayer? Does it make any difference? What is prayer? How does it work? Does it work? Sometimes, prayer can be frustrating and even confusing. Is God really listening? In twelve thought-provoking and inspiring sessions we will explore and experience together this very personal and perplexing aspect of our relationship with God; prayer. Please join Pastor Greg & Lindy Hafeman as they lead us in this opportunity to better understand prayer and deepen our relationship with God.
The Cut, Sew, and Quilt ladies of LWML will be displaying a few quilts for sale the next two Sundays. Wouldn’t a quilt make a nice Valentine gift for a loved one? Why not stop and take a peek? All proceeds go to missions.
Upcoming Events
Saturday, February 22nd - Fly Fishing Interest Group Field Trip to the Fly Fishing Show The February activity for the Fly Fishers is the Fly Fishing Show in Denver. It is held at the Gaylord and the group will be going on Saturday, February 22nd. One-day admission is $20, and parking is about the same, so carpooling is highly recommended. Buying tickets in advance online, although not required, is highly recommended because of the time it saves standing in line to get in. For me, the real highlight and value of the show is the seminars. If you are interested or have questions, contact Tim Meyer (tdmdkm5@gmail.com or call/text 970-691-2102)
Let Tim know if you are planning to carpool to the show so proper arrangements can be made. Plan to meet at Immanuel at 7:30am on Saturday, February 22nd and plan to be back no later than 6:00pm. You can bring your own lunch or buy food there. Here is the link for the show where you can check out the vendors, the fly tyers, the schedule, and other activities that will be available: https://flyfishingshow.com/denver-co/
Here is the schedule:
Catch Room
10:00 Whitney Gould – Fly Fishing 101, Get Started the Right Way
11:30 Jeff Currier – Fly Fishing for Carp – a 20lb Fish Near Home
1:00 Pat Dorsey – Fly Fishing Western Tailwaters
2:30 Taylor Edrington – Seasons of the Arkansas River
4:00 Gary Borger – Really Matching the Hatch
Release Room
10:30 Tim Flagler – What Trout Like to Eat & Flies to Feed Them (newly revised)
12:00 Ed Engle – Catching Difficult Trout
1:30 Mac Brown – Master Nymph Fishing Tactics
3:00 Phil Rowley – Approaching a New Lake
Strike Room
11:00 Marvin Cash – Tilting the Odds in Your Favor: Building a Process for Attacking the Water
12:30 Landon Mayer – Learn How to Fish One Fly to Catch All Your Fish
2:00 Frank Burr – Vertical Presentation and Sink Rates for Nymphing
3:30 Tim Cammisa – Euro Nymphing from A-to-Z: Catch More Trout NOW!
Thank you all so much for your generous support of our youth as we prepare to head to the National Youth Gathering in New Orleans, LA in July! Our next fundraiser is coming up on Sunday, February 23rd, featuring a Chili Cookoff – bring your best chili and compete for the glory! We will also have regular chili for those who may not want to vote but would like to come and enjoy a bowl. This event will also feature a Silent Auction as we seek to raise more funds for the National Youth Gathering trip. If you have something to donate or would like to enter your chili, please reach out to Emma and egiger@immanuelloveland.org!
On March 2nd we will be meeting after late service to talk about Expressions of Faith, take our group picture, and get some important information to you as families about Confirmation and Confirmation Sunday (May 18th)! Please plan to attend this meeting!
Due to a leg injury, Pastor Al is not going to be able to continue to teach the “For Maturing Christians” Adult Education class on Sunday mornings at 9:30am. We will be rescheduling the class for the Spring this year in order to give Pastor Al plenty of time to heal. If you have been a part of that Sunday morning class experience, plan on attending one of the other Adult Classes. Every one of the teachers/facilitators are happy to welcome you into their classes. In the meantime, keep Pastor Al in prayer for a full recovery!
Serving and Giving
Do you play a woodwind, brass, string, or other type of instrument? We’d love to have you participate in Immanuel’s Instrumental Ensemble during Holy Week and/or Easter worship! What’s holding you back from participating in this way: You haven’t played your instrument for a long time? You don’t currently own an instrument? You don’t play at a professional level? All of these ‘issues’ have been overcome by others and they’re glad they did! Contact Kathy Schlecht to talk more about it (667-4506 or kschlecht@immanuelloveland.org). It’s not too late to get that embouchure in shape!
Put your spare change into action! The money raised from this Baby Bottle Campaign will help Life Choices Pregnancy Center minister to men and women who are facing an unplanned pregnancy, share the message of healthy lifestyle choices in middle and high school classes in our community, and provide a healing program to women and men with an abortion in their past. Life Choices Pregnancy Center is funded solely by the generosity of individuals, businesses, and churches. To participate in the Baby Bottle Campaign, you can grab a bottle from the atrium, fill it up with loose change or a check, and return it to Immanuel by the end of February. If you would prefer to fill a baby bottle virtually, you can go to https://lifematters.org/donate/ to make a donation. Questions? Please contact Teresa Rost at 970-218-0719 or teresa@rost.org. Thank you for your support of this life-affirming ministry in our community!
If you want to give toward the relief efforts of the fires in Los Angeles, here are several options that have direct Lutheran connections:
- The Pacific Southwest District website page is where you can find the latest updates as well as several ways you can help, donate, and pray: https://www.psd-lcms.org/disaster-response
- Lutheran Church Charities – https://www.lutheranchurchcharities.org/disasterresponse-deployment-californiawildfires.html
- Lutheran World Relief – https://lwr.org/blog/2025/california-wildfires-you-can-rush-aid
- Thrivent – this link includes a variety of specific ministries or support networks to which you can give: https://thrivent.cotribute.co/community/disaster-response-campaign-hub/detail
- Prayer is always a way to support and help – prayers for these relief efforts to bring help and hope, for those who have lost loved ones, for the many who have been evacuated, for those who have lost homes and vehicles and material goods and businesses, and for those trying to fight these fires.
If you enjoyed the Christmas Cantata and thought it might be fun to sing with the choir, we would love to have you join the Festival Choir on Easter Sunday (April 20th)! A large Festival Choir singing with a brass ensemble is an incredibly moving way to express the joy we have on Easter morning when we gather to celebrate the pivotal event of our Christian faith—Jesus’ resurrection from the dead! If you are interested in getting more information about singing on Easter Sunday, or at other services leading up to Easter Sunday, please contact Kathy Schlecht (kschlecht@immanuelloveland.org).
We are looking for a couple of volunteers to join Immanuel’s live stream team, specifically to live stream the 8:00am Classic Grace service once a month. We are also in need of screen operators for the 10:30am service. For both positions, schedules are put together around your calendar and ample training is provided. Are you interested in learning more about either of these? Talk to Kathy Schlecht (kschlecht@immanuelloveland.org) or stop up in the tech booth before or after an upcoming worship service to take a look at the equipment, talk to those serving, and see what you would be doing. Thanks for considering serving in this way!
Looking for volunteers to bring God’s Word to residents of North Shore Health and Rehab. This has been an ongoing ministry of Immanuel for several decades! At 10:00am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month, we have a rotating group of volunteers who share a short, simple message from God’s Word with the residents. There are Christian songbooks with CD accompaniment from which you or the residents can choose some favorite hymns to sing. The worship services typically last 35-45 minutes. If you’re interested in being part of this team or if you have questions, call Ron Heusinkveld (970-669-6135). Thank you for considering serving in this way!
FREE Money for Ministry! Everyone who is a client of Thrivent Financial is eligible for two $250 ministry grants a year. That’s $500 every single year for each Thrivent member! This is a huge blessing to Immanuel’s ministry. Just a few events that have made use of Thrivent grants so far this year include the Car Show, Vacation Bible School, Midweek Meals, and a congregational celebration. And we have many outreach opportunities coming up between now and the end of this calendar year for which a Thrivent grant would be helpful, including Fall Fest, Operation Christmas Child, the Christmas Bazaar, Lago Vista Christmas Shop, and Orchard Place Giving Tree. And there’s many more!
We want to make sure and capitalize on all grants available by keeping an updated list of Thrivent members and connecting those members with projects and events. We are also looking for an individual or two that would be willing to help Thrivent members make application for grants—the Thrivent member must make the application himself or herself, but they can have assistance in doing so. If you would be willing to serve in this role as an Action Team Grant Ambassador, or if you are a Thrivent member and would like your name added to our list of Thrivent members, please contact that church office (churchoffice@immanuelloveland.org). Thank you!
The Community Assistance Team will be collecting reusable shopping bags for the Lago Vista School Supply Drive. They will be collecting these throughout the year in preparation for the 2025 school supplies project. They will need 50-60 bags in total. There is a plastic tote on the table with food pantry items (across from the mailboxes) and shopping bags can be placed in the tote.
Giving Statements for 2024 are now available and will be placed in your church mailbox by this Sunday, February 9th. In addition, you can access your giving statement directly by logging into your Church Community Builder (CCB) account using following the steps:
- Log in to CCB HERE
- The giving statement is located on the left column under “My Giving”
- Select “Giving Statement” and “Custom Data Range”
- Change the date to Jan. 1, 2024 – Dec. 31, 2024
- Select "Both Deductible & Non-Deductible"
- Select “Run Report”
- The report will generate a pdf
If you have any questions about your 2024 Giving Statement, or are having trouble accessing your CCB account, please contact the church office (churchoffice@immanuelloveland.org or 970-667-4506).
Immanuel is an amazing school and a place for toddlers through high school to grow in their faith in Jesus, to excel in academics, and participate in lots of fun extra-curricular activities! Not only is enrollment open, but there is a specific window for applying for some major scholarship and tuition assistance opportunities. Check out the information below on the assistance information. If you have questions, would like to set up a tour, or would like to enroll your child or children, contact the school office at SchoolOffice@ImmanuelLoveland.org.
ACE Tuition Assistance: https://online.factsmgt.com/grant-aid/inst/4N9YC/landing-page
ILS Tuition Assistance: https://studentfinancialaid.blackbaud.school
Immanuel Lutheran School Financial Aid Application 25/26 SY
Please note that a new application must be submitted every year to be considered for an award
Application Website: https://studentfinancialaid.blackbaud.school
Immanuel Lutheran Church and School: Site ID# 11181
Application Period: 2/3/2025 – 4/15/2025
Eligible Grades: Kindergarten – 8th Grade
*Preschool and High School programs are not eligible for financial aid
Application Fee: $0
ILS Staff Support Email: accounting@immanuelloveland.org
Creating Your Account: Please visit https://studentfinancialaid.blackbaud.school to create your account. If you are a new applicant, click the blue "Create Account" button and follow the directions from there to either set up your BBID with Blackbaud, or to link an existing BBID account.
Existing Account and Application Rollover: If you are a returning applicant, log in via the "Sign In" section on the main landing page. If you created a financial aid account in a prior year, your application will roll over. Some sections will auto-fill with prior year information. Please confirm or update requested information.
Required Supporting Documentation: Upon submission of your application, you will be informed which documentation you are required to upload. ILS requires at a minimum a Form 1040 to be provided to review eligibility for an award.
Notification of Financial Aid: All final financial aid decisions, including notification of an award amount, will be made by the school board. Families will be notified of awards early June 2025.
Blackbaud Financial Aid Management Contact Information:
- Phone Support: (800)-360-8027
- Email Support: support@studentfinancialaid.blackbaud.school
At the Voting Assembly meeting on Tuesday, the congregation voted to extend Miss Emma a Divine Call to continue serving here at Immanuel as our full-time Director of Christian Education (DCE)! What that means is that she is now prayerfully considering whether or not this is where the Lord wants her to serve. I invite and encourage you to be praying for Emma over the next two weeks during this deliberation process. You are also welcome to speak with her and share with her any encouragement or thoughts you have.
If you enjoyed the visual sharing of God’s Word last Sunday from 1 Corinthians 13 and would like to hear more about this, check out the following letter:
Hello friends in Christ,
My name is David Schlecht, founder and creative director of Scripture in Motion, a crowdfunded animation studio dedicated to bringing God’s Word to life through high-quality, engaging video content. Our mission is to serve the Church by providing pure, untouched Scripture by way of animated videos to assist in reaching their communities.
We recently launched in November of 2024, and we would love for you to join us on this journey. The easiest way to get involved is to follow us on social media and sign up for our email newsletter. This will ensure you stay current on all our latest releases and any announcements or updates we may have. (Email Newsletter; YouTube; Facebook; Instagram; LinkedIn)
I'd like to emphasize that these videos are made for the Church, for people like you. I encourage you to view and use them in your worship services, Bible studies, or classrooms. All of our videos are available for free on YouTube and available for download at scriptureinmotion.com.
We deeply appreciate your prayers, encouragement, and support as we continue this journey in 2025.
In Christ,
David Schlecht
Founder and Creative Director, Scripture in Motion
2023 – 238 average
2024 – 250 average
2025 – 240 average (with two Sundays of snow/ice/cold)
Percentage increase/decrease 2024 to 2025 = -4.0% (decrease)
Percentage increase/decrease 2023 to 2025 = +0.85% (increase)
YouTube – Live Stream, Shorts/Reels, etc.
YouTube LIVE STREAM viewing (watching the service in real time) – January 2025 = 534
YouTube LIVE STREAM viewing average viewing time = 20 minutes
YouTube LIVE STREAM viewing average per week = 87
Top LIVE STREAM of the month - January 19th, 8:00am Classic Grace (69 views)
YouTube Shorts/Reels of sermons – January 2025 – high number = 507; low number = 1
YouTube Shorts/Reels of sermons – total January 2025 views = 948; weekly average = 237
70% of YouTube “viewers” are still viewing the Shorts/Reels
Total views on YouTube channel - 1600
“Top” video - short on “Where to look in times of darkness” (507 views)
We just discovered a glitch in the program we use to send out Monday email updates (The Immanuel Weekly) and are working to correct it. It seems that if you do not have a cell phone number included in your information on Church Community Builder (CCB, our church database), that you are not receiving the Monday email updates. Would you please take a few minutes to update your cell number with the church office? You can update your profile by yourself or we’re happy to give you a hand. You can also email churchoffice@immanuelloveland.org or call us at 970-667-4506, to give us your cell number. Having a complete profile on CCB will ensure you are receiving all our communications, including the Immanuel Weekly every Monday and Pastor Glen’s updates on Thursdays. Thank you for your help with this big project!

Friends of Immanuel,
I had fun with yesterday’s message about all of us “broken” people, and I hope you did, too! For the fun I poked at the Chiefs and veggie plates, I hope you all took that in the spirit I intended! As I mentioned, I appreciate all of you putting up with this broken person and my love of football and my Packers. With the Super Bowl behind us, we can laugh and complain and grieve and cheer and ponder the game, the halftime show, the commercials, the politics, and everything else surrounding what has become a huge cultural phenomenon and move on from football for another season.
The focus of yesterday’s message, however, is something that I hope you take to heart – God really does use us, all of us, no matter how broken we are, to radiate His message of love and hope to others in our lives. It’s pretty awesome to see that reality play out week after week here at Immanuel through some of the many opportunities we have to carry out the Lord’s mission He’s given to us. Let God use you, just as you are as a broken yet redeemed child of His, to radiate His love into someone’s life this week. I’m including the What Now?, encouraging you to put this simple prayer into action this week:
What Now?
This week, begin each day with this prayer:
Lord God, Heavenly Father, thank You for calling and claiming me as Your child, broken as I am! Thank You for the healing You bring to my life through Your forgiveness, Your love, and Your presence. Help me, through my brokenness, to radiate Your amazing gifts to the people in my life. Amen
Part 2 of my article is a reminder of our 16-week “Love Challenge” that began last week. I’ve heard many of you have taken me up on participating in it! It’s never too late. If you need a reminder, here’s what it is:
Print out 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (provided below). Each week for the next 16 weeks, take one of the characteristics of love and look for ways to express it – to your spouse, your kids, your friend-group. Be creative, have fun with it, talk about it, and grow in the love our Savior has shown to us as we show it to each other.
1 Corinthians 13:4-8 “4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8 Love never fails.”
This week we are focusing on “…love is kind.” Kindness is similar to patience but refers to how we treat others. It especially implies a love that reacts with goodness towards those who have been ill-treated. This kind of love may take the form of a gentle rebuke when careful discipline is needed. As I encouraged, be thoughtful and intentional about expressing kindness as a demonstration of love to others in your life. And feel free to share stories with me throughout this 16-week “Love Challenge” that we’re doing together, letting Christ’s love transform our hearts, our lives, and our relationships!
Serving together in Christ alone!
Pastor Glen
Friends of Immanuel,
Last Sunday’s Gospel reading included two different instances where we’re told that the people were amazed at Jesus. “All spoke well of Jesus and were amazed at the gracious words that came from his lips.” (Luke 4:22) “The people were amazed at Jesus’ teaching, because his words had authority.” (Luke 4:32) I ended my sermon last Sunday by sharing with you some of our Lord’s many amazing promises. I want you to be encouraged today and so here are those amazing promises for you bask in for a few minutes. Read them slowly; hear them as God speaks them directly to you; let them wash over you and fill your heart with our Lord’s love.
- “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born, I set you apart.” (Jeremiah 1:5)
- “Do not be afraid…, for I am with you.” Jeremiah 1:8
- “I have put my words in your mouth.” Jeremiah 1:9
- “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb… I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139:13-14
- “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1
- “I have loved you with an everlasting love;” Jeremiah 31:3
- “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:8-10
- “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” Ephesians 4:4-6
- “Take heart, child; your sins are forgiven.” Matthew 9:2
- “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
- “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” John 14:1
- “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6
- “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.” John 11:25-26
- “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7
- “And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.” 1 Peter 5:10
- “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” 1 John 3:1
- “I will be with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:20
- “For God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16
Amazing, isn’t it? Continue to be amazed as we Boldly Radiate With Love, that more and more people in our lives would come to know Jesus and the power of His love!
Serving together in Christ alone!
Pastor Glen
Friends of Immanuel,
Radiate Boldly with Love! That was the focus of yesterday’s sermon as we tapped into all three of the power-packed readings from God’s Word. Jeremiah 1 drove home the assurance that God created each and every one of us, knowing us even before He formed us in our mother’s womb. And not only did He know us, but He set us apart, gave us a purpose for our lives – which, using today’s language, is that we Radiate God’s love and His message of hope to those in our lives.
The Epistle reading for yesterday was 1 Corinthians 13, the newest creation from the non-profit, Scripture in Motion. We were the first congregation to include this newest video of Scripture in worship (in Thursday’s update, I’ll share more information about projects like this from www.ScriptureInMotion.com)! If you want to see 1 Corinthians 13 again, here is the link that will be made public tomorrow morning – https://youtu.be/a5lGdz6Ef8o.
My encouragement is to step into this week’s What Now?, which is basically a 4-month assignment. I would love nothing better than to have all of us practicing, living out, and having fun as we grow in our Savior’s love and in the love we show to one another! If you’re willing, I’d enjoy hearing some stories from you over the coming 16 weeks as together we experience and grow in love!
What Now?
Print out 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (provided below). Each week for the next 16 weeks, take one of the characteristics of love and look for ways to express it – to your spouse, your kids, your friend-group. Be creative, have fun with it, talk about it, and grow in the love our Savior has shown to us as we show it to each other.
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
“4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8 Love never fails.”
There’s one more related item I want to share with you. Grace Holstad, a 9th grader, was inspired by yesterday’s sermon and made this for her family and gave me permission to share it with all of you. Pretty cool!
Serving together in Christ alone!
Pastor Glen
Friends of Immanuel,
I’ve had a couple of interesting responses to Sunday’s message and my article in Monday’s email update about how God’s Word is all about community, and the fact that when it comes to reading God’s Word, we need each other. This was prompted from Sunday’s Old Testament reading from Nehemiah 8:1-12, which I preached on.
The significance of being in the Word cannot be overstated. It’s not about throwing guilt on everyone but instead, it’s being reminded of the true power of God as He works in and through His Word. We believe the Bible to be just that – God’s words to us. We believe that the Bible was inspired by God Himself, with the Holy Spirit working in the hearts and lives of the people who wrote down what we have today. We believe the Bible is a living Word (Hebrews 4:12) that God uses to continually communicate His love to us, ever-pointing us to Jesus on every page. It’s Truth that we can stand on and live by.
The point I made regarding how we need each other when it comes to being in God’s Word is highlighted in a couple other resources that have been shared with me. If you want to go a little deeper in this, check out this article that Gail Hein shared with me called “Reading the Bible in Community” from Beautiful Discipleship –
https://www.beautifuldiscipleship.com/p/reading-the-bible-in-community-guest. Then Pastor Robin shared the following link with me from The Bible Project (which has a plethora of solid resources regarding God’s Word – check it out!) – https://bibleproject.com/explore/video/public-reading-scripture/.
With the Bible Project link, I especially appreciate the last line in the video: “This is what God’s people have always done [reading and talking about God’s Word] when they enter into new and uncertain times, they remember their story and who they are through the public reading of the Scriptures.” It seems that over the past 10 years or so, there’s been a lot of talk about living in “new and uncertain times.” My hope and prayer are that regardless of what life is throwing at us, we stay grounded in the Word and in the “Word made flesh,” Jesus! That’s where our hope is found; that’s where we are reminded that we’re in good hands; that’s where we know God can be found, eager and ready to speak into our lives, regardless of what is going on.
Together – in worship, in Bible studies, as families, as small groups – let’s be community, living solidly on Jesus—the Word—and His love for us. I hope to see you on Sunday!
Serving together in Christ alone!
Pastor Glen
Friends of Immanuel,
My big encouragement from yesterday’s message, The Radiating Word of God, was that God’s Word is all about community. Yes, our personal time in God’s Word is awesome and important and helpful as we grow in our faith, but more than anything, we need each other! We hear God’s Word together, we process together, we learn and study and grow together, we put God’s Word into practice together, and we live and encourage each other with this Word of God – when we worship together each week, when we gather to study God’s Word together, and as we live in relationship with each other.
I related this to the clip from The Chosen that I showed near the end of my message from season 1, episode 3. It was Jesus’ interaction with a small group of children. While this encounter was completely speculation and is not found in Scripture, it communicated a variety of biblical truths to me. It demonstrated our Savior’s love for all people, including children. It served as a reminder that Jesus was a real person – He needed sleep, He brushed His teeth, He learned a trade, He talked like a normal person, He had a sense of humor. And the pinnacle moment for me was when Jesus asked the children if they had learned to pray the Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4-9). When the children were reciting those powerful promises of God, how did that impact Jesus? If you recall, it brought Him to tears, it was so beautiful hearing God’s Word flow from the lips and hearts of those children.
The main point of that clip is – how did those children learn those words? It wasn’t by individually working on memorizing them. They learned them from being in worship and hearing them spoken regularly in their homes. It came from hearing those words recited at the dinner table day after day, at night before going to bed, in the morning when getting up, and the family speaking those words together. In other words, God’s Word grew in their hearts and minds from the community sharing, speaking, and living that Word of God. Which is why we include and encourage children to be part of worship services at Immanuel!
I had mentioned yesterday that I would offer a bit more in today’s update about The Chosen for those who were not familiar with it. From their website (https://www.thechosen.tv/en-us), “The Chosen is a groundbreaking historical drama based on the life of Jesus Christ (Jonathan Roumie), seen through the eyes of those who knew him. Set against the backdrop of Roman oppression in first-century Israel, the seven-season show shares an authentic and intimate look at Jesus’ revolutionary life and teachings.” You can watch this series using The Chosen app or on Amazon Prime, as well as several other paid subscription services. I personally have appreciated it for what it is – a historical drama that provides some unique glimpses into how Jesus and His followers’ lives may have looked, based on the foundation of the Gospels.
One thing I had to cut out of Sunday’s sermon due to time was something that Pastor Robin shared with me last week that spoke to the power, action, and relevance of God’s Word and all that His Word brings to us. Just let these promises and assurances from Psalm 19:7-10 (NLT) sink in – “The instructions of the Lord are perfect, reviving the soul. The decrees of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The commandments of the Lord are right, bringing joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are clear, giving insight for living. Reverence for the Lord is pure, lasting forever. The laws of the Lord are true; each one is fair. They are more desirable than gold, even the finest gold. They are sweeter than honey, even honey dripping from the comb.”
The Lord’s, and Nehemiah’s, emphasis on the desire of making God’s Word “clear and giving the meaning so that the people understood what was being read” (Nehemiah 8:8), is where I want to wrap up for today. God’s Word is a “lamp to our feet and light for our path.” (Psalm 119:105) Together, let’s let God’s Word radiate in our hearts and lives, keeping us firmly wrapped in Jesus’ strong arms, giving us encouragement and hope that be found nowhere else but Jesus, the Word made flesh!
What Now?
Let God’s powerful Word radiate His love, His grace, and His hope in your heart as you take the whole of God’s Story into your life. Gather with others for time in Bible study and conversation. Keep coming to worship as we let God’s Word fill us. Watch some of the excellent TV or movies that convey God’s Story to us, such as The Chosen, The Visual Bible (including Matthew, Acts, John), The Passion of the Christ (rated R and not for children!), The 10 Commandments, Risen, and others.
Serving together in Christ alone!
Pastor Glen
P.S. Greg Northrup, Immanuel’s congregational president, was asked by several people about the two proposals from The Lutheran Church Extension Fund that are on the agenda for Tuesday night’s Voting Assembly/Congregational meeting. If you are interested, both proposals linked below:
Friends of Immanuel,
Last Sunday was recognized by many churches across the United States as National Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. As a congregation of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, we, too, affirm God’s gift of life, from conception to natural death. While I did not preach on the sanctity of life this year (I have the last several years taken the occasion to do that), we did include it in our time of prayer, and I want to take time in my article today to hold up this important matter.
I read a statement in a blog yesterday, January 22nd, which marked the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade abortion decision from 1973, that although the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade this past June, abortions have actually increased. And that is why we must, as followers of Jesus who stand firmly on the Truth of His Word, continue to loudly and boldly, lovingly and in grace-filled ways, fight for and uphold life, from conception to natural death, proclaiming Life as a gift of God.
We hear throughout God’s Word how life is a gift God gives us. Let me share just a couple here and then I encourage you to simply Google “sanctity of human life bible verses,” or check out this link for a plethora of scripture that speaks about life (https://www.openbible.info/topics/the_sanctity_of_life).
Psalm 139:13-16 – “13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. 16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 – “19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”
Jeremiah 1:4-5 – “ The word of the Lord came to me, saying, 5 ’Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.’”
Isaiah 43:1 – “But now, this is what the Lord says—he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: ‘Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are mine.’”
As I said, God’s Word is filled with affirmations of life with God Himself as the Author of life. As Paul wrote in Ephesians 2:10, we are God’s handiwork, His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus. In our staff devotions this morning, a staff member shared what she taught in her classroom the other day, that God’s fingerprints are all over us because He created us, made us, formed us.
Mark your calendar for the Colorado March for Life on April 11, 2025 at the Capital building in Denver. More details can be found at https://marchforlife.org/colorado/ and I’ll also try to keep everyone appraised of more information as it comes out.
For today, be affirmed and encouraged that YOU, and the life God has given you, are gifts from God. I appreciate each and every one of you who call Immanuel “home” and are part of the Lord’s ministry here. What a joy to live the lives we do, assured that we are loved, we are redeemed, we are called by name by our Creator and Savior, and we are His!
Serving together in Christ alone!
Pastor Glen
Friends of Immanuel,
Having a day off yesterday, I took advantage and watched some of the pomp and ceremony of the inauguration. It was fascinating to see many different facets, both formalities and ceremonies, as well as watching the more informal interactions of all the different “players,” including some of the posturing and politicking going on. We watched the exit and departure of President Biden from Washington and the return of President Trump to the White House with his various speeches, promises, drama, jabs, and signing of multiple executive orders. Then you add in the various interpretations from different news outlets, and it was quite the day!
It was also interesting to me to read what the head of my doctoral program, Dr. Leonard Sweet, wrote about this. My doctorate is in Semiotics and Future Studies – semiotics being “signs” and learning to recognize and examine the various “signs” of our times and to interpret them in light of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. As Len wrote in a Facebook post yesterday, “Today’s inauguration stands as a masterclass in semiotics – a dense web of signs, symbols, and their interpretations that shape our understanding of power and legitimacy.”
While that line itself is a mouthful (!!), there truly is so much to be learned from observing that “dense web of signs, symbols, and their interpretations.” From the guest list, to the seating chart, to the choice of halls and the statuary and art work displayed in them, to who introduced who, the choice of music the various bands played and singers sang (did you notice how many hymns were played?!), to people’s titles and positions that were announced, to breaking traditions (signing multiple executive orders at Capitol One Arena in front of 20,000+ people), to keeping traditions of including all previous Presidents and Vice Presidents and having the military display, and on and on it goes. What did we learn about our country, about power and those who wield it, about the nature of fear and hope? The day truly was rich and dense with signs and symbols to be witnessed and interpreted, with much of that interpretation continuing in the days, weeks, and months ahead!
Many are excited about this change in power and are filled with hope for the future of our country. Others are fearful over what they’ve heard or perceived or interpreted. Here at Immanuel, we will continue to pray for our sitting president, now President Trump, as we are urged by our Lord to do so in 1 Timothy 2:1-4. We will pray that he and all our elected and appointed officials govern wisely and well, driven not by their own self-centered agendas or selfish desires, but ultimately driven by the Truth found in God’s own Word, which are the Scriptures and Jesus Himself.
My reminder to all of us who are citizens of this world and specifically of this great country, the United States of America, and who are also, and most importantly, citizens of the Kingdom of God, ruled by our Lord and Savior Jesus, is to keep our priorities straight. Regardless of who is in office, of which party is in power, we have only one King, and that is Jesus. As I preached this past Sunday and as I’ll be preaching again this coming Sunday, the most important thing for us as children of God is to keep our lives grounded firmly on Jesus, our trust and faith in Him, and, in turn, to BE His people, living out our faith, living in hope, in love, and in His grace each and every day. That is where true life is found. The ups and downs of life will continue. We will face challenges and struggles. We will enjoy celebrations and joys. We will need to ask for forgiveness, and we will need to offer forgiveness.
Today, let’s join in giving thanks to God for the blessings we enjoy as we live in these United States, for the freedoms that are ours, both in our country and in our Savior, and for the hope with which we can live each day because of Jesus!
Serving together in Christ alone!
Pastor Glen
Friends of Immanuel,
I’ve written about a lot of heavy things going on in our world lately, so I thought that for today I’d lighten it up a bit! I want to highlight and acknowledge an amazing blessing we have here at Immanuel – over the last few years the number of retired pastors who are part of our Immanuel family has multiplied!
There are currently 8 pastors here, active and retired, with another pastor who will be joining us later this spring. The pastors here at Immanuel include Pastor Al Schroeder, Pastor Ed Seely, Pastor Greg Hafeman, Pastor Paul Graff, Pastor Norb Kleidon, Pastor Frank Johnson, Pastor Robin Dugall, and myself. Pastor Rich Graves will be relocating from Sicily (yes, that’s in Italy!) where he has been serving for many years, working in particular with supporting veterans, a ministry he is planning to continue here at Immanuel.
These amazing servants of God have continued serving in a variety of ways here at Immanuel – teaching Sunday morning classes, leading small groups, preaching occasionally on Sunday mornings and for our Wednesday Midweek Lent services, being part of Ask a Pastor on Sunday mornings, leading various ministry teams, and more!
This past week, Art Germann, a longtime member of Immanuel, invited all of us pastors to his home for lunch and an opportunity for us to sit down together and just spend some time getting to know each other a little better. We enjoyed a delicious lunch, plenty of laughs, some good stories, a bit of reminiscing, and a good time together. Thank you for that gift, Art! Not all were able to attend, but I included a couple of pictures here.
What a blessing these men are – to me personally and to all of us as a congregation! Thank you, gentlemen, for your service to the Lord and for continuing to be vital members and an amazing blessing to God’s family here at Immanuel!
Serving together in Christ alone!
Pastor Glen
Friends of Immanuel,
With the southern California fires continuing to dominate the headlines and the horrific devastation they are causing, here are a couple of ways that you can support the relief efforts to those impacted by these fires, utilizing Lutheran and Christian-based support.
I share this information from our church body in an article from last Thursday, January 9th: “The Rev. Mike Gibson, president of the Pacific Southwest District of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), is closely monitoring the situation. He reports that 10 members of Palisades Lutheran have had their homes destroyed, including the retired emeritus pastor. Among other LCMS churches in the areas threatened by fire, a number of members have had to evacuate and at least one other family has lost their home. Some students at Pacifica Christian High School, affiliated with Pilgrim Lutheran Church in Santa Monica, have also lost their homes. Many LCMS congregation members have had to secure alternative housing due to the evacuations, and at least one of the affected congregations is planning to hold services online this weekend due to the evacuations.”
This link will take you to the Pacific Southwest District website page where you can find the latest updates as well as several ways you can help, donate, and pray: https://www.psd-lcms.org/disaster-response
In addition, here are several other ways to help:
- Lutheran Church Charities – https://www.lutheranchurchcharities.org/disasterresponse-deployment-californiawildfires.html
- Lutheran World Relief – https://lwr.org/blog/2025/california-wildfires-you-can-rush-aid
- Prayer is always a way to support and help – prayers for these relief efforts to bring help and hope, for those who have lost loved ones, for the many who have been evacuated, for those who have lost homes and vehicles and material goods and businesses, and for those trying to fight these fires.
Serving together in Christ alone!
Pastor Glen

Classic Grace Worship - 8:00am
Education Hour for all ages - 9:30am
Contemporary Joy Worship - 10:30am
Classic Grace Worship - 8:00am
Outdoor Contemporary Joy Worship - 9:30am
No Education Hour during the Summer
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Immanuel Lutheran Church
Immanuel Lutheran Church and School
4650 Sunview Drive,
Loveland, CO 80538
(on the corner of Highway 287 and 50th Street)
Church office hours:
Monday - Friday: 8am–4pm
Phone: (970) 667-4506