Worship at Immanuel Lutheran - Loveland, CO
At Immanuel, we gather to worship with other Christians to receive and respond to God’s gifts of Word and Sacrament. In our worship, we tell the story of God’s work in the world through His Son, Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Our worship is a Trinitarian worship with a focus on the redemptive work of Jesus’ incarnation, death, resurrection, and ascension. However, we have not been left to fend for ourselves! Jesus comes to us in worship through the Word and Sacraments, bringing his gifts of forgiveness, peace, joy and hope which we are eager to share with those in our lives, especially those who do not yet live with this assurance.
Immanuel offers two worship services on Sunday mornings. Both services include elements of worship that the historic Christian church has included in its times of worship for more than 2,000 years: singing, praying, reading and responding to God’s word, the Lord’s Supper, historic creeds, and a wide variety of music. All ages are valued members of the Immanuel faith community and are welcome at all services.
Although both services include these elements, there is a difference in our two Sunday morning services: Classic Grace worship is more traditional in style with the singing led by the organ and piano, while Contemporary Joy worship is more informal in style with singing led by the worship team (guitars, keyboard, drums, and vocalists).
Multiple handbell choirs, vocal choirs and instrumental ensembles also participate in worship on a regular basis at Immanuel. You can read more on our Music Ministry page.
During the school year, Immanuel offers two worship services on Sunday mornings:
Classic Grace Worship at 8am: Classic Grace Worship uses elements of worship that have been used by the church for centuries. The music used is primarily hymns, both old and new, most often led by the organ.
Contemporary Joy Worship at 10:30am: Contemporary Joy Worship uses elements of worship that have been used by the church for centuries. The music used includes both contemporary Christian music and traditional and modern hymns, all led by Immanuel’s worship team, Spirit Sounds.
The Lord's Supper is offered each week at both services.
Our Summer Worship Schedule (Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend)
Classic Grace Worship at 8am
Contemporary Joy Worship moves an hour earlier to 9:30am
Contemporary Joy worship remains in the sanctuary through the month of June and moves outdoors - on the west side of the building, under the pergola - beginning the first Sunday in July. You're invited to bring a comfortable chair as well as anything else that will make Outdoor Worship comfortable for you.
Children, as valued members of our faith community, are welcome at all worship services at Immanuel.

Classic Grace Worship - 8:00am
Education Hour for all ages - 9:30am
Contemporary Joy Worship - 10:30am
Classic Grace Worship - 8:00am
Outdoor Contemporary Joy Worship - 9:30am
No Education Hour during the Summer
Immanuel Lutheran Church
Immanuel Lutheran Church and School
4650 Sunview Drive,
Loveland, CO 80538
(on the corner of Highway 287 and 50th Street)
Church office hours:
Monday - Friday: 8am–4pm
Phone: (970) 667-4506