Ministry Fair – September 11th @ 9:30am

Keep Sunday, September 11th set aside on your calendar and plan on attending Immanuel's annual Ministry Fair! Not only is this the first Sunday we are back to our fall schedule with worship at 8:00am and 10:30am (all indoors) and our Education Hour at 9:30am, but it is also a day that we will be featuring many of our ministries at Immanuel. The children, confirmation youth, and high school youth will have some activities in the gym and we'll have the Ministry Fair in the atrium for all the adults. There will be tables set up for you to "browse" and get involved as the Lord leads you in the numerous ministry opportunities we have at Immanuel. This Ministry Fair will feature many of our ministries to which we are dedicated in our vision and mission - from relational to worship and music ministries, children and youth ministries, educational and small group ministries, leadership and administration ministries, and much, much more! You can meet many of the small group ministry leaders, pick up a book and sign up (if you haven't done so already) for the Red Letter Challenge (which begins that Sunday), and talk to ministry leaders in our congregation about getting involved in serving God through Immanuel's ministries! Every one of our ministries is focused on accomplishing our mission and vision as a congregation and helping you apply the "Seven Marks of Discipleship" to your life! There will be breakfast goodies and refreshment available in the west atrium. Any questions, contact Annette Bures ( or Pastor Robin (