Education Hour

Join us for our Education Hour!

Labor Day - Mid-May: Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:20

For Children

Sunday School

For all children in Preschool through 6th Grade.

  • Infant/Toddler Class: Room 110 - This class is for 0-4 year olds with music, a Bible story, and time to play.
  • Sunday School Opening: All 4-year-old through 4th Graders start in Room 113 for opening. After Opening, children go to their age-appropriate classes as follows:
    • Pre-Kindergarten-1st Grade Class: Room 108 - 4-year-olds through 1st Graders will gather for a Bible story, game, craft, and snack.
    • 2nd-4th Grade Class: Room 113 - 2nd through 4th Graders will gather for a Bible story, game, activity, craft, and snack.
    • Bridge56: Room 204, 5th and 6th graders will gather for an overview of the Bible.

Want more information? Contact Miss Emma at

For Youth

Middle School

Confirmation classes:

7th and 8th Grade in Room 207

High School Bible Study

Join Joe Sarr’s class on Discussing Mere Christianity (Room 205).

Want more information? Contact Miss Emma at

Christian Faith Informational Class

Immanuel 101

Curious about who we are at Immanuel? Wondering what we believe and teach? Wanting to formally join Immanuel? Immanuel 101 is a 9-week class where those questions can be answered. There is no obligation to join after attending the class, but you will be given the opportunity to do so. The current Immanuel 101 started on September 15th during the Education Hour in room 112 (look for the signs!). If you or someone you know would be interested in attending the class, let Pastor Glen know so he can have enough materials prepared. The next 101 class will be starting in February 2025.

Led by Pastor Glen in Room 112.

Want more information?
Reach out to Pastor Glen at

Adult Education Hour

Winter 2025 Adult Education Classes

Take advantage of these great resources! If you have any questions, email Pastor Robin (

Prayer (Philip Yancey) - Study GatewayPrayer

Location: Room #36

Teacher/Facilitator: Pastor Greg and Lindy Hafeman

Prayer?  Does It Make Any Difference?  What is prayer?  How does it work?  Does it work?  Sometimes, prayer can be frustrating and even confusing.  Is God really listening?  In twelve thought-provoking and inspiring sessions we will explore and experience together  this very personal and perplexing aspect of our relationship with God; prayer.  Please join Pastor Greg & Lindy Hafeman as they lead us in this opportunity to better understand prayer and deepen our relationship with God.  The first session begins on Sunday, January 12, 2025.   

Discussing Mere Christianity Bible Study Guide: Exploring the History, Meaning, and Relevance of C.S. Lewis's Greatest Book: Brown, Devin: 9780310699842: Books

Discussing Mere Christianity Book Study & Discussion

Location: Room #205

Teacher/Facilitator: Joe Sarr

It’s not too late to join this video-based study, where you will discover why Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis is one of the most read and beloved Christian books of all time. Now seventy years after it was first delivered on radio, what relevance does it have in today's world? Video Host Eric Metaxas and a variety of Christian leaders (e.g. N.T. Wright, Tim Keller, Lauren Winner, Devin Brown, Paul McCusker, Douglas Gresham) explore the positive ideas that C.S. Lewis has so eloquently written about in Mere Christianity for those who already call themselves a Christian and explain in a non-threatening way the basic tenants of the Christian faith as illustrated by C.S. Lewis to those who do not claim to be a Christian.  Joe Sarr facilitates this class which is filled with great insights, practical application of God’s truth to life, the viewing of special YouTube videos called, C.S. Lewis Doodles, and lively discussions.     

Mature in Christ — Calvary Memorial ChurchFor Maturing Christians

Location: Church Library (Upstairs)

Teacher/Facilitator: Pastor Al Schroeder

Let’s talk over what is going on in our lives in these times. We need answers!  We all wrestle with the questions of, “Who am I? Whom did God create me to be? How has he gifted me and fitted me for the life that I may live? What has God redeemed me for? Shall I live for myself alone? How shall I relate to others?” Questions and thoughts like these move the minds and hearts of baptized and believing Christians to discover who we are in relation to God our Father and in Jesus Christ His Son our Savior and Lord.  Christians in the world today are a movement in history to bring God’s Truth to bear on errors in human thought and behavior. In addition, we are indeed His agents who are called to serve our Lord with his authority and power to enact good in all the days of our life in this world. Join Pastor Al in talking over what we see going on in our world and rekindling an understanding that we Christians are called by Jesus Christ to be His hands and feet and voice in times like these. Pastor Al is encouraging us all to take part in this practical and relevant conversation. In addition, think of others you might want to invite too.  New Immanuel members...THIS CLASS IS THE PERFECT FOLLOW UP TO 101! This class will start in March 2025.

Did Luke Write the Gospel of Luke? | ReasonableTheology.orgThe Gospel of Luke

Location: Room #206

Teacher/Facilitator: Pastor Robin

The Gospel of Luke stands out among the four gospel stories of Jesus in unique various ways. It is not only the longest of the Gospels, but it starts tracing Jesus’ life earlier than any other biblical narrative.  Only Luke reveals anything about Jesus’ childhood, Only Luke describes his family’s visit to Jerusalem when he was 12 years old.  Only Luke has many of Jesus’ key teachings through parables.  Luke’s story of Jesus is from a perspective historically that makes it perfect for us to study on how the gospel is relevant to us and our times and world.  In our Adult Education ministry, we are committed to having at least one, on-going Bible Study open weekly for any adult who is interested in learning more about God’s Word.  Pastor Robin will be continuing to lead this study as we make our way through the fall season and into the new year.  There will be plenty of new insights to learn as well as ample time for discussion as we grow in Jesus together.  We are continuing our study with a quick overview of Luke chapters 1-6 and then diving into Luke 7 discussing Jesus’ Kingdom ministry.  Come, bring your Bible, and join in!   

Want more information?

Reach out to our Church Office at





Classic Grace Worship - 8:00am

Education Hour for all ages - 9:30am

Contemporary Joy Worship - 10:30am



Classic Grace Worship - 8:00am

Outdoor Contemporary Joy Worship - 9:30am

No Education Hour during the Summer


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Phone: (970) 667-4506