News This Week
Join the youth group (anyone 7th grade to 12th) on Wednesdays from 6:00pm-8:00pm for Bible Study, games, time together, and fellowship! We’d love to see you there – contact Miss Emma for more information or any questions at
This video-based women’s Bible study, Now That Faith Has Come, by Beth Moore, is a six-week deep dive into Paul’s captivating letter to the Galatians. Come to know the letter’s original recipients. Study its original context and embrace its timeless relevance. Discover―or perhaps rediscover―what makes the Gospel of Jesus Christ revolutionary to those who choose to believe. Find out how everything has changed, now that faith has come.
There will be two meeting times to choose from:
- Wednesday evenings 5:45pm-7:00pm (conference room at Immanuel)
- Thursday mornings 9:30am-11:00am (room #112)
A limited number of study guides will be available in advance. Contact Gail Hein to reserve a guide, or you can order you own on Amazon. If you want to reserve a guide, please contact Gail by text 970-443-3078 or email
Check out the many opportunities to learn and grow on Sunday mornings for children, youth, and adults! We’ve got another new adult class starting up this week in addition to the new classes that began last week. It’s not too late to join any of the classes! Check out the descriptions below.
Sunday Education Hour is from 9:30-10:20am. Questions? Adult classes, email Pastor Robin; children and youth ministries, contact Miss Emma (
Adult Classes:
- Discussing Mere Christianity – Joe Sarr (room #205)
- The Gospel of Luke – Pastor Robin (room #206)
- For Maturing Christians – Pastor Al (church library, upstairs)
- Prayer – Pastor Greg and Lindy Hafeman (room #36) – starting THIS WEEK
Sunday School for Kids:
- Infant/Toddler Class: Room 110, 0-4 year olds, with music, a Bible story, and time to play.
- Sunday School Opening: All 4-year-olds-4th Graders start in Room 113 for opening. After Opening, children go to their age-appropriate classes as follows:
- PreK-1st Grade Class: Room 108, 4-year-olds attending Preschool through 1st Graders, a Bible story, game, craft, and snack.
- 2nd-4th Grade Class: Room 113, 2nd through 4th Graders Bible story, game, activity, craft, and snack.
- Bridge56: Room 204, 5th and 6th graders, Bible overview!
Sunday School for Middle School and High School Youth:
- Middle School Confirmation – 7th and 8th graders, Room 207
- High School Youth – Join Joe Sarr’s class on Discussing Mere Christianity (Room 205)
“The Gospel of Luke” – Pastor Robin, Teacher and Leader (Location - Room #206 - Upstairs) The Gospel of Luke stands out among the four gospel stories of Jesus in unique ways. Luke’s story of Jesus is from a historical perspective that makes it perfect for us to study on how the gospel is relevant to us and our times and world. In our Adult Education ministry, we are committed to having at least one, on-going Bible Study open weekly for any adult who is interested in learning more about God’s Word. Pastor Robin will be continuing to lead this study as we make our way into the new year. There will be plenty of new insights to learn as well as ample time for discussion as we grow in Jesus together. Come, bring your Bible, and join in!
“Discussing Mere Christianity (C.S. Lewis)” – Book Study and Discussion with Joe Sarr (Location - Room #205 Upstairs) It’s not too late to join this video-based study, where you will discover why Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis is one of the most read and beloved Christian books of all time. Now seventy years after it was first delivered on radio, what relevance does it have in today’s world? Video Host Eric Metaxas and a variety of Christian leaders (e.g. N.T. Wright, Tim Keller, Lauren Winner, Devin Brown, Paul McCusker, Douglas Gresham) explore the positive ideas that C.S. Lewis has so eloquently written about in Mere Christianity for those who already call themselves a Christian and explain in a non-threatening way the basic tenants of the Christian faith as illustrated by C.S. Lewis to those who do not claim to be a Christian. Joe Sarr facilitates this class, which is filled with great insights, practical application of God’s truth to life, the viewing of special YouTube videos called, C.S. Lewis Doodles, and lively discussions.
”PRAYER” (starting January 12th) – Book and Video Study with Pastor Greg and Lindy Hafeman, Leaders (Location – Room #36 – LWML Room) Prayer? Does it make any difference? What is prayer? How does it work? Does it work? Sometimes, prayer can be frustrating and even confusing. Is God really listening? In twelve thought-provoking and inspiring sessions we will explore and experience together this very personal and perplexing aspect of our relationship with God; prayer. Please join Pastor Greg & Lindy Hafeman as they lead us in this opportunity to better understand prayer and deepen our relationship with God.
“For Maturing Christians” – Pastor Al Schroeder, Teacher and Leader, (Location – Church Library – Upstairs) Let’s talk over what is going on in our lives in these times. We need answers! We all wrestle with the questions of, “Who am I? Whom did God create me to be? How has he gifted me and fitted me for the life that I may live? What has God redeemed me for? Shall I live for myself alone? How shall I relate to others?” Questions and thoughts like these move the minds and hearts of baptized and believing Christians to discover who we are in relation to God our Father and in Jesus Christ His Son our Savior and Lord. Christians in the world today are a movement in history to bring God’s Truth to bear on errors in human thought and behavior. In addition, we are indeed His agents who are called to serve our Lord with his authority and power to enact good in all the days of our life in this world. Join Pastor Al in talking over what we see going on in our world and rekindling an understanding that we Christians are called by Jesus Christ to be His hands and feet and voice in times like these. Pastor Al is encouraging us all to take part in this practical and relevant conversation. In addition, think of others you might want to invite too. New Immanuel members... this class is the PERFECT follow up to Pastor Glen’s Immanuel 101 class!
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, January 15—New Women’s Bible study, 5:45pm (Immanuel)
- Thursday, January 16—New Women’s Bible study, 9:30am (Immanuel)
- Sunday, January 26—Young Adult Gathering, Emma’s apartment, 6:00pm
Plans are underway for the 2025 Northern Colorado Men's Conference, a conference put on by some of our area LCMS churches. The date for this year’s conference is Saturday, February 1, 2025. Conference location is Saint John's Lutheran Church, 305 E. Elizabeth St., Fort Collins. Registration will begin at 8:30am and the closing worship for the conference will be concluded by 3:30pm. There is no cost for this conference. It is being underwritten by the Missions and Ministry Committee of Peace with Christ Lutheran Church, Fort Collins and supported by the congregation at Saint John's Lutheran Church, Fort Collins. A freewill donation will be accepted to enable future conferences. All interested ages are welcome!
You can register anytime to reserve your spot by emailing Noreen Linke at or call/text 281.770.6686. This helps with planning for adequate food and materials. The speaker is Rev. Jeffrey Hemmer. His biography follows:
The Rev. Jeffrey B. Hemmer is an assistant to the Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). Prior to joining the president’s staff in August 2021, Hemmer served as pastor of Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church in Fairview Heights, Ill. He continues to serve as pastor there in a part-time capacity.
Born in Belleville, Ill., Hemmer received a B.A. in English from Concordia University, Nebraska, Seward, Neb., and an M.Div. from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Mo. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate at Concordia Seminary, working on a dissertation on the theology of body and the theology of place. His other theological and academic interests include biblical masculinity and the function of Christian fathers, the role of the resurrection in Christian ethics, and martyrdom and the cross-shaped Christian life.
Hemmer is the author of Man Up!: The Quest for Masculinity (CPH, 2017); Behold the Man! Lenten and Easter sermon series (CPH, 2019); A Noble Army sermon series on the martyrs (CPH, 2020); and assorted other articles, essays and posts.
Hemmer and his wife, Laura, live in Fairview Heights, Ill., while they restore an 1860s farmhouse in Caseyville, Ill. They have eight children.
Starting on Sunday, February 2nd, Pastor Glen will be starting up another Immanuel 101 class for anyone who may be curious about who we are at Immanuel or want to know more about what we believe and teach. Immanuel 101 is a 9-week class where those questions can be answered. There is no obligation to join our congregation after attending the class, but you will be given the opportunity to do so. Immanuel 101 starts February 2nd during the Education Hour in room 112 (look for the signs!). If you or someone you know would be interested in attending the class, let Pastor Glen know so he can have enough materials prepared. If you have any questions about the class, contact Pastor Glen (
Serving and Giving
If you are interested in providing altar flowers for worship for a special occasion or fo r an individual in 2025, you may use the sign-up sheets located next to the Immanuel mailboxes or sign-up online using this link We will order the altar flowers; you may either take them home with you after Sunday's services or leave them to be used again the following week(s). Flowers are $50; when paying for flowers, please clearly indicate, “Altar Flowers,” whether paying by check (payable to Immanuel) or online. You may indicate the occasion on the sign-up or email the information to Thank you for helping beautify the altar and chancel area for our times of worship!
As we restart our regular Sunday School programming, we are still in need of some teachers! This is a powerful way to be in service at Immanuel, working in step with the Spirit to teach our youngest members about Jesus! While all ages have potential openings, we are especially looking for anyone who would be willing to step in for a couple of weeks every month for our Early-Childhood, 2nd-4th grades, and Confirmation classes. If you are interested, please let Emma know at Thank you so much for considering!
We are looking for a couple of volunteers to join Immanuel’s live stream team, specifically to live stream the 8:00am Classic Grace service once a month. We are also in need of screen operators for the 10:30am service. For both positions, schedules are put together around your calendar and ample training is provided. Are you interested in learning more about either of these? Talk to Kathy Schlecht ( or stop up in the tech booth before or after an upcoming worship service to take a look at the equipment, talk to those serving, and see what you would be doing. Thanks for considering serving in this way!
Thank you so much for your support of Youth Ministry through buying cookie trays at the Bazaar, baking cookies, or otherwise assisting! Looking to next year, if you have any trays (that no longer are holding cookies!!) that would have otherwise gone to Goodwill, bring them into Immanuel! We can put them to good use next year in our cookie tray sales! Run them by Emma’s office, and she will store them in the youth room until next year.
Looking for volunteers to bring God’s Word to residents of North Shore Health and Rehab. This has been an ongoing ministry of Immanuel for several decades! At 10:00am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month, we have a rotating group of volunteers who share a short, simple message from God’s Word with the residents. There are Christian songbooks with CD accompaniment from which you or the residents can choose some favorite hymns to sing. The worship services typically last 35-45 minutes. If you’re interested in being part of this team or if you have questions, call Ron Heusinkveld (970-669-6135). Thank you for considering serving in this way!
FREE Money for Ministry! Everyone who is a client of Thrivent Financial is eligible for two $250 ministry grants a year. That’s $500 every single year for each Thrivent member! This is a huge blessing to Immanuel’s ministry. Just a few events that have made use of Thrivent grants so far this year include the Car Show, Vacation Bible School, Midweek Meals, and a congregational celebration. And we have many outreach opportunities coming up between now and the end of this calendar year for which a Thrivent grant would be helpful, including Fall Fest, Operation Christmas Child, the Christmas Bazaar, Lago Vista Christmas Shop, and Orchard Place Giving Tree. And there’s many more!
We want to make sure and capitalize on all grants available by keeping an updated list of Thrivent members and connecting those members with projects and events. We are also looking for an individual or two that would be willing to help Thrivent members make application for grants—the Thrivent member must make the application himself or herself, but they can have assistance in doing so. If you would be willing to serve in this role as an Action Team Grant Ambassador, or if you are a Thrivent member and would like your name added to our list of Thrivent members, please contact that church office ( Thank you!
The Community Assistance Team will be collecting reusable shopping bags for the Lago Vista School Supply Drive. They will be collecting these throughout the year in preparation for the 2025 school supplies project. They will need 50-60 bags in total. There is a plastic tote on the table with food pantry items (across from the mailboxes) and shopping bags can be placed in the tote.
On Saturday, January 4th, 31 people gathered for our third “Called Into Community” event at Immanuel. These “mini-retreats” are built around the Biblical values of deep, Christ-honoring friendships, hospitality, and discipleship. The experiences seek to underscore our commitment as a Christian community to intentionally grow in Jesus through the teaching of God’s Word as well as through the development of the types of relationships within our congregation that sustain and give life.
We kicked off the new year with a focus on a powerful Epiphany theme, “Radiating God’s Love and Light.” Gail Hein led our time with great encouragement to open our hearts and lives as followers of Jesus to child-like faith and trust, having no shame in dependence upon God, and knowing and experiencing the love of God as the “atmosphere” in which we live. It was exactly what we all needed to hear as we begin a new year! We revisited the great themes of Advent and were challenged to embrace the truth of God’s “delight in us” as we continue to meditate and live in the Truth that the love of God graciously extended to us is the epitome of heavenly hospitality! Gail shared that we LOVE, following Jesus’ example, by treating everyone as valuable and worthy of our sacrificial care; that HOPE radiates like a lighthouse on a dark stormy night through our lives as we daily walk with Jesus; that PEACE is a gift from God meant to be shared in bringing wholeness, calm, and renewal to everyone and everything in our lives; and that we can experience JOY as resilient cheerfulness anchored in God’s goodness. During our time in the “Called Into Community” event, we enjoyed great conversation together, we read scripture, and we sang together, all culminating in an uplifting time that will not soon be forgotten.
We would love to encourage you to be part of our next “Called Into Community” event – Saturday, March 1st from 9:30am to 11:30am (refreshments beginning at 9:00am). Pastor Robin Dugall will be facilitating that time as he shares on the theme, “Getting in Biblical Shape: How we can experience Jesus in His Word.” Plan now to attend! More information and an opportunity to register for the event will be coming soon!
It’s impossible to thank the many, many people who were part of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day worship at Immanuel, but nevertheless, THANK YOU! Thank you to the many musicians, tech support, altar guild, ushers, elders and communion servers, acolytes and basket holders, greeters, Scripture readers, and counters. Each one of you was an important piece of welcoming our Immanuel and Loveland community to worship the newborn King, our Savior, Jesus. Thanks for helping all of us keep our eyes focused on why we celebrate Christmas!
The most recent newsletter from the Logstons (formerly in Belize, now in the Dominican Republic) is on the Immanuel website – here’s the link: Thank you for your ongoing prayers, love, and support for the Logstons and their missionary work.
December 2024 average worship attendance – 274
2022 – 265 average
2023 – 246 average
2024 – 274 average
Percentage increase/decrease 2023 to 2024 = +11.4%
Percentage increase/decrease 2022 to 2024 = +3.4%
YouTube – Live Stream, Shorts/Reels, etc.
YouTube LIVE STREAM viewing (watching the service in real time) – December 2024 = 405
YouTube LIVE STREAM viewing average viewing time = 13 minutes
YouTube LIVE STREAM viewing average per week = 81
Top LIVE STREAM of the month - ILCS K-8 Christmas Program (192 views)
Top LIVE STREAM worship experience of the month - Christmas Eve 7:00pm worship (96 views)
YouTube Shorts/Reels of sermons – December 2024 – high number = 435; low number = 1
YouTube Shorts/Reels of sermons – total December 2024 views = 2200; weekly average = 550
70% of YouTube “viewers” are viewing the Shorts/Reels
Total views on YouTube channel - 3400
“Top” video - short on “The Unexpected Focus of Christmas” (530 views)
Immanuel was a huge contributor to this year’s Lago Vista Christmas Shop, and Lago Vista is very thankful for our church and school’s support. 50 families were able to come and shop for Christmas gifts for their children (117 kiddos!). There were over 500 gifts given to families! Thank you for the support that came from Immanuel Lutheran School’s chapel offerings, a Thrivent grant applied for by Paul Hein, Immanuel Community Assistance funds, Immanuel’s Middle School students who did the shopping, and Cindy Snyder who delivered all the presents to Lago Vista on Friday.
We just discovered a glitch in the program we use to send out Monday email updates (The Immanuel Weekly) and are working to correct it. It seems that if you do not have a cell phone number included in your information on Church Community Builder (CCB, our church database), that you are not receiving the Monday email updates. Would you please take a few minutes to update your cell number with the church office? You can update your profile by yourself or we’re happy to give you a hand. You can also email or call us at 970-667-4506, to give us your cell number. Having a complete profile on CCB will ensure you are receiving all our communications, including the Immanuel Weekly every Monday and Pastor Glen’s updates on Thursdays. Thank you for your help with this big project!
If you or someone you know has questions about our great school ministry, is considering changing schools, or would like more information, check out the school website (, and you can call or email our school office (970-667-7606, to schedule a tour or a time to meet with our Principal Cheryl Gilbert, or one of our administrative assistants to get your questions answered about toddlers through 8th grade. If you have any questions about the high school, you can reach Dr. Rick Overton, Immanuel’s Executive Director of the high school at Check out the high school website as well (
An assessment is required for grades K-8th before application is accepted. To begin the process, fill out an inquiry form found on the school website or use this link – It only takes two minutes.
Continue to spread the word about our amazing, Christ-centered school!
New Members Fall 2024
We recently wrapped up our latest Immanuel 101 class, we welcomed 7 new families into membership on Sunday, November 17th, and now it’s time to introduce them all to you. Hopefully these bios and pictures will help you put some names-to-faces as we welcome them and continue to worship and serve alongside each other. This was another amazing group of people who now call Immanuel home! We’ll start this week by welcoming Daryl and Sandy Meske.
When their youngest daughter, Taylor, 34, died in 2022, Daryl and Sandy Meske reached out to Pastor Glen for guidance and comfort. Ultimately, they decided that God was guiding them to Immanuel.
Daryl worked for IBM for 34 years, starting when he was 18 years old. He transferred to Colorado in 1993. He was a manager when he left IBM in 2009 and joined a consulting firm until he retired in 2018.
Sandy was an administrative assistant for Edward Jones for 30-plus years, retiring in 2019. During her career she took some time off to be a stay-at-home mom.
Music has been a large part of the Meske’s lives for many years. Sandy enjoys playing the piano, and Daryl is a singer in a Gospel quartet called 4Given. Daryl likes pickleball and Sandy is a voracious reader. The couple loves to travel, especially to Scottsdale, Arizona for the Colorado Rockies spring training.
“Our youngest, Taylor, was 34 when she died of complications from alcohol addiction. She lived in Longmont. We miss her every day, and we look forward to a sweet reunion in Heaven someday.”
The Meskes have two other children. Their daughter Nicole is married to her middle school sweetheart Tony and has three children: Hollis (15), Sawyer (13), and June (10). They live in Thornton. Their son Josh lives in Longmont and is an electrical engineer.
Granddaughter Hollis is a sophomore at Holy Family High School and her passion is musical theater. She is preparing to join the Praise Team at Ascent Community Church in Louisville. She has a heart for others who might be struggling. Grandson Sawyer is an 8th grader at Westgate Community School in Thornton, hoping to follow Hollis’ footsteps to Holy Family. His passion is baseball and he enjoys playing for Game Day baseball in Arvada. Granddaughter June is a 4th grader at Westgate Community School, and her passion is caring for all living things, from pesky flies right up to human beings. She LOVES school… she also loves art and creating gifts for others.
Daryl and Sandy were both born and raised in Nebraska. “We are, and probably forever will be, Cornhusker fans!”
Welcome to our church family, Daryl and Sandy!
The next of our new members I want to introduce you to are Gareth and Elsey Diener and their two boys. Welcome, Gareth and Elsey, Benjamin and William!
Elsey has lived in Loveland all her life. Gareth moved here 13 years ago after graduating from Kansas State University. Their son Benjamin is almost three years old. His little brother, William, is nine months old.
Gareth is a landscape designer, and Elsey is a stay-at-home mama! The couple was drawn to Immanuel when they were expecting the birth of their first baby and were looking for a family church where they could attend and raise their children. They attend the 8:00am service.
Elsey loves to bake and cook for her family, ride her horse whenever she can, spend time outside camping, paddleboarding, doing stuff in the barn, reading, and spending time with her boys. Gareth likes woodworking, fixing stuff around the house (he's working on a house addition now), camping, and spending time with family and being outdoors.
Big brother Benjamin – Tonka truck expert – is starting Pre-K in January. His baby brother William is crawling around the house, has 4 teeth, likes to try new foods, and loves his big brother, his parents, and the family pets. Hazard the dog, Lily the horse, Mac the donkey, and Rambo the cat, round out the Diener family circle.
Once again, welcome to Immanuel, Dieners!
Welcome Our New Members to Immanuel! The next of our new members that I want to introduce you to are the Kenyons.
“We enrolled our daughter, Millie, 5, in the Immanuel preschool program last year and were very impressed! We attended a couple of church services and felt right at home. Everyone has been so welcoming, and we enjoy all the music offerings and as well as the vibrant kids programs for our daughter.”
And that is why we are welcoming Kent, Heidi, and Millie Kenyon into our church family!
The Kenyons recently relocated from Charleston, South Carolina, after Kent was promoted to Director of Dispatch Operations at Lumen Technologies. His new position brought them to our area, and they now call Berthoud home. Kent began his career as a high school band director, a role he held for six years before transitioning to Lumen.
Heidi is currently a realtor with the Jason Mitchell Group. However, she has a wealth of experience as a music educator, having
taught for 20 years in Pennsylvania and South Carolina. We’re also excited that she’s now sharing her love of music with us, teaching part-time at Immanuel!
The Kenyon family wouldn’t be complete without their golden retrievers, Clover and Olive, who bring plenty of joy and wagging tails to their new community. Kent, a proud West Virginian, and Heidi, originally from Maryland, both attended West Virginia University and are huge WVU fans. LET’S GO, MOUNTAINEERS!
Welcome Our New Members to Immanuel! The next of our new members that I want to introduce you to are the Gilberts – Joe, Jenn, Nora-Kelly, and Freya!
Joe and Jenn are not native to Colorado. Joe grew up in southwest Iowa and Jenn grew up in Chicago. Nora-Kelly and Freya, on the other hand, are native Coloradoans, as both were born here. Joe and Jenn met in Iowa and after they were married moved to Colorado in 2010. They moved back to Iowa in 2018 for just under a year and then moved back to Berthoud, CO to be closer to family again.
Joe is the Unattended Retail Supervisor for Swire Coca-Cola while Jenn is a vendor manager for Regions Bank.
When the Gilberts moved back to Colorado, they wanted to find a church close to home and started trying out several different churches. What drew them to Immanuel is the inclusiveness of children which allows them to experience worship services together as a family. They typically attend the 8:00 service.
Nora-Kelly is 8 years old and in 3rd grade and Freya is 3 and in preschool. Family hobbies and likes include all things Disney – movies, toys, books, and the parks. Whenever they get the opportunity, they love to take trips to both Disneyland and Disney World. In general, they love doing things together as a family – like going to the zoo or museums or even just having movie nights together at home.
They have two dogs – Lilo (Great Pyrenees) and Hank (Colorado Mountain Dog) and they love spending time at home with them.
Welcome to Immanuel, Gilberts!
Welcome Our New Members to Immanuel! Here is the next of our new members that I want to introduce:
Welcome, Judith Lee Richendifer!
Judi—who has lived in Colorado since 1970, including in Sterling, Loveland, and Thornton—has been very active in the Episcopal church from 1964 until recently. Judi was the Colorado Department of Labor Director of Employment and Training Programs for the State of Colorado. Her husband, David Richendifer, was in agriculture management in three states including Colorado. She retired from her state job in 1999 after 24 years and went to work for Adams County. When her husband’s health began to deteriorate, she retired from there in 2007 to care for him. He passed peacefully four years later after 54 years of marriage.
In 2017, Judi married a second time to John Hizer and they decided to relocate from the Denver area to Loveland to join relatives living here. Sadly, her second husband died just five years later, in 2022.
COVID, and her second husband’s death, triggered a crisis of faith. She confided in Pat Frysinger and he suggested she might find spiritual comfort and support at Immanuel. “Thank God Pat guided me to Immanuel!” she declares.
Judi has two children. Daughter Angela Rathaman (58) lives in Eaton and is the lead paralegal for the Weld County, State of Colorado, Public Defender. Her son, Scott Richendifer (63) lives in Loveland and works for Section 8 apartment complex maintenance. Scott’s daughter, Megan Maxwell (35) is a dog groomer in Fort Morgan, and Angela’s daughter Isabel Farley (25) works for a nonprofit mental health group in Greeley as a suicide counselor.
Judi lives at Affinity in Loveland, a 55+ active adult facility where she says she is “sort of an activity leader and organizer.” Judi continues, “having had many health issues and close calls in my life, I depended on my faith and those who assisted me medically, emotionally, and spiritually. I just want to do the same for others however I physically can.”
Welcome to Immanuel, Judi – we’re glad you’re here!
Welcome Our New Members to Immanuel! The next of our new members that I want to introduce is the Gunderson family:
Welcome to Diana “Di”, Dan, and Joshua Gunderson! Joshua just turned 13 and they wanted a church that offered activities that included other kids his age. They attend the second service. Their daughter, Sara Marie, 26, lives in Greeley.
The Gundersons live in Longmont. Dan works at Micron as a hardware electrical engineer. One of his favorite activities is hiking. Di’s “happy places” include Rocky Mountain National Park and Pella Crossing in Hygiene. Di also enjoys making allergy-safe baked goods, extensive crocheting, learning how to play the piano, and is currently training her little fur baby Lucy. Lucy – soon to be a year old in January – is a loveable 45-pound Border Collie/Australian Shepherd lapdog. Joshua loves Legos and reading books and stories such as Star Wars, The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings, Narnia, etc.
Welcome to Immanuel, Gundersons!
Welcome Our New Members to Immanuel! The last of our new members that I want to introduce is Janice Tanner.
Janice Tanner moved to Loveland from Newcastle, Wyoming in 2019. Her husband died in 2018 and she moved here to be closer to her children.
Janice was an elementary school teacher and was very involved with music at her church in Wyoming. She attended Lenten services at Immanuel but then Covid struck and she had health issues that have interfered with her ability to attend church regularly.
Her daughter, Sanda Marquiss, 60, lives here and works in finance. Her son Danny, 62, lives in Casper, Wyoming and is disabled with a heart condition.
Her grandchildren are Toni, an emergency room PC; Tricia, a floral designer; Lalona, a teacher; Samantha, an accountant, and grandson Cody.
Janice’s favorite hobby these days is reading. She has also done a lot of cross stitching.
Welcome to the Immanuel family, Janice!
Friends of Immanuel,
With the southern California fires continuing to dominate the headlines and the horrific devastation they are causing, here are a couple of ways that you can support the relief efforts to those impacted by these fires, utilizing Lutheran and Christian-based support.
I share this information from our church body in an article from last Thursday, January 9th: “The Rev. Mike Gibson, president of the Pacific Southwest District of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), is closely monitoring the situation. He reports that 10 members of Palisades Lutheran have had their homes destroyed, including the retired emeritus pastor. Among other LCMS churches in the areas threatened by fire, a number of members have had to evacuate and at least one other family has lost their home. Some students at Pacifica Christian High School, affiliated with Pilgrim Lutheran Church in Santa Monica, have also lost their homes. Many LCMS congregation members have had to secure alternative housing due to the evacuations, and at least one of the affected congregations is planning to hold services online this weekend due to the evacuations.”
This link will take you to the Pacific Southwest District website page where you can find the latest updates as well as several ways you can help, donate, and pray:
In addition, here are several other ways to help:
- Lutheran Church Charities –
- Lutheran World Relief –
- Prayer is always a way to support and help – prayers for these relief efforts to bring help and hope, for those who have lost loved ones, for the many who have been evacuated, for those who have lost homes and vehicles and material goods and businesses, and for those trying to fight these fires.
Serving together in Christ alone!
Pastor Glen
Friends of Immanuel,
Massively destructive wildfires raging in LA, mysterious drones flying over the east coast, the tragedy in New Orleans and the bomb in Las Vegas on New Years, political maneuvering with issues of support of wars waging around the world, pardons and “future” pardons, immigration, borders, and the wall, and all that a transition in power entails – wow. And in the meantime, so many of us right here who are connected to Immanuel are dealing with serious health and medical-related issues, death of family, friends, and loved ones, financial uncertainties and concerns, and “the blues” hitting with this January cold streak and unusually dark and dreary days. The “deep/thick darkness” that the Lord talked about through the prophet Isaiah (60:1-2) 2700 years ago seems pretty real in the here-and-now, doesn’t it?!
In the face of all this darkness, let me remind you – “Be strong and very courageous… Don’t be afraid; don’t be discouraged, for the Lord you God will be with you wherever you go!” (Joshua 1:7, 9) I heard an interesting observation on a podcast I was listening to this morning. When it comes to the commands the Lord gives us, just because He tells us or commands us to do or not to do something, it doesn’t mean that we can actually do it or not do it, whatever the case may be. Even these commands the Lord gave to Joshua and to us, while they are certainly things we want and strive for, it doesn’t mean that we’re able to be strong and courageous, or not be afraid or discouraged. Hearing this from the Lord reminds us of our ineptitude but even more so, it reminds us of God’s love, God’s strength, and God’s power in our world and in our lives.
In these days, more and more as we see the “deep/thick darkness,” we need to lean into the strong, loving arms of our Savior. His victory over the darkness is our victory. He radiates His light into every darkness in which we find ourselves and He chases the darkness away – the darkness cannot and will not overcome Jesus and His light! Because of that, we can hear these commands of our Lord in a slightly different way. Because of Jesus, we don’t have to be afraid; we don’t have to be discouraged. We have a God who has done everything for us and who loves us more than we can ever imagine.
We, in turn, have the opportunity to radiate His light as well. There are so many in our world who also are living in and experiencing real darkness, but they don’t know where to turn or what to do; they don’t know Jesus. Let’s walk alongside each other, let’s walk with those who don’t know what to do, and let’s shine Jesus and the light He has brought into our world. The hope we have is real – a hope that is needed more than ever these days!
Take this from the Lord in Isaiah 60, and I paraphrase a bit: “Arise! Shine! For your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you… Don’t stare down at your shoelaces – instead, lift up your eyes and look around you… Look and be radiant, let your heart throb and swell with joy because of the Lord!” Jesus is here – we’re not alone! Let His light keep shining in and through each of us!
Serving together in Christ alone!
Pastor Glen
Friends of Immanuel,
A blessed Epiphany to you all! Today, January 6th, is the official day we celebrate the Epiphany, which includes the coming of the Magi/Wise Men to see Jesus, and Isaiah’s call for us to “Arise! Shine!” because our Light has come. It’s a day we celebrate as an explosion of Light and Love from our Lord to people of all nations, colors, and languages!
As we looked at the coming of the Magi/Wise Men to see Jesus in yesterday’s message, their following the star to find Him really epitomizes this year’s Epiphany series, Radiate! Jesus is Light; we’re invited and urged to follow His light as it radiates in our hearts and lives, drawing us to life and hope and all that Jesus has come to bring. Then we, in turn, are invited to “Arise! Shine!” so others can see His light in and through us in our words and actions.
All of this is not just about making New Years resolutions or doing better. As I wrapped up yesterday’s message, we have to remember our grounding – standing firmly on Jesus in all times; in the good times and especially when it comes to how dark the darkness in our lives or our world may get. This darkness cannot and will not overcome the Light of Jesus – don’t forget that powerful Truth! These are times that are critical for us to keep growing in our faith. And how can we do that? Some of the most straight-forward ways to keep growing include:
Being in God’s Word regularly – including Bible studies, small groups, and personal or family daily devotion time;
Spending time every day in prayer – if you want to receive the daily prayer requests I send out, just let me know;
Worshiping every week
With regard to being in God’s Word, this year I’m not going to read through the Bible in a year as I have over the past three years. Instead, I discovered an interesting resource through entitled, “40 Minutes in the Old Testament.” This podcast started back in 2015 with Genesis 1 and now has about 450 episodes, currently exploring the book of Isaiah. I decided to head back to Genesis and those first episodes where I’m reading the chapter(s) of the Bible being discussed and then listening to this deep dive into some of the fascinating nuances of the Old Testament. Dr. Chad Bird leads these teachings, making powerful connections with the New Testament and Jesus. It is a solid and distinctly Lutheran look into God’s Word and is for anyone who’s interested in a more thought-provoking study into God’s Word.
For those who do want to read through the Bible in a year, here are a couple of resources that I can recommend:
“The Bible in One Year with Chad Bird” is another solidly Lutheran way to read through the Bible. You have to read each days Scriptures (from both the Old and New Testaments) on your own and then Dr. Chad Bird provides a brief, 2-minute YouTube video that highlights something from the readings. Also provided are additional resources you can look up in order to go deeper into that day’s readings.
“The Daily Audio Bible” available through podcast or on the Bible Gateway app:
In past years I’ve also recommended “The Bible in a Year” podcast with Father Mike Schmitz, a Roman Catholic priest. The caveat I will give again is that Father Mike will raise various Roman Catholic beliefs, teachings, and doctrines with which we as Lutherans do not agree. You will also hear readings through the year from the Apocrypha, which we as Protestant Christians do not believe are part of God’s Word. So your listening to this podcast will require you to have a discerning ear!
As we look to Radiate! our Savior’s light and love, I pray that each of us will experience the blessings of what that can mean in our day-to-day lives! Here is this week’s What Now? for you to consider as we step into the week together:
What Now?
Follow the star! Spend time each day in God’s Word to let Him shine His light into whatever darkness you may be facing. And let His light in you radiate to others as you share His love and the hope Jesus brings.
Serving together in Christ alone!
Pastor Glen
Friends of Immanuel,
Happy New Year! I hope and pray that everyone had fun and safe celebrations and family gatherings while welcoming in 2025. Today’s update is filled with lots and lots of new ministries and opportunities to grow in your faith, to give and serve and use your gifts, and to continue following our Savior – so check all that out below.
This Sunday we will be celebrating Epiphany Sunday, a celebration of light that follows the 12 days of Christmas and has historically and traditionally been another grand celebration for Christians. The star in the east which the Magi or Wisemen followed to find this newborn King is part of the celebration of Epiphany, as well as other biblical references of light shining in the darkness. For worship we will start in candlelight as we celebrate the Light that has come to dispel the darkness!
We will also begin a new series for this season of Epiphany. The season of Epiphany shines a light on who Jesus is, revealing Him to be both human and divine, Son of Man and Son of God. This light of Epiphany not only reveals who Jesus is, but it speaks to missions and outreach to all people—Jesus is the light of the world and, as His disciples, we radiate His light to those around us. This year’s Epiphany theme, Radiate!, will look at some of the multifaceted ways that Jesus is The radiating Light of the world, as well as how His light shines in our lives and, through us, to those around us.
I look forward to Radiating our Savior’s light with all of you in the weeks to come! I hope to see you in worship!
Serving together in Christ alone!
Pastor Glen
Friends of Immanuel,
As we get ready to flip the calendar and begin a new year, I want to start by thanking all of you for an amazing 2024! These days are great for doing both a little reflecting on the past year and looking forward to the new year. As I reflected a bit on 2024, there is way too much to capture in a few paragraphs, but let me share a few highlights for me.
Worshiping together every week is always at the top of the list – I love gathering together with all of you to be reminded of God’s love and grace, to gather at the Lord’s Table together, and to enjoy the fellowship we have in this great community of faith here at Immanuel. To see and welcome so many new families who have come to call Immanuel home, through both regularly worshiping with us as well as officially joining our congregation, is a real joy for me.
Other highlights were 10 baptisms, 2 weddings, and 5 young people receiving their first communion. We also commended 13 people to our Savior’s care with memorial and funeral services.
There were the financial challenges that we faced in 2024, which are continuing to some degree into 2025, but giving thanks for the amazing response to the needs we have. I am in awe of the many generous gifts and the commitments made to raise levels of giving by so many of you. We continue to carry out the Lord’s ministry here with boldness and with faith, furthering the Kingdom and sharing His Good News at every opportunity!
We’ve also experienced changes in staffing, including amazing blessings and sad good-byes, continued steady growth in worship attendance, so many opportunities to grow with a wide and interesting variety of Sunday morning Bible studies, Family Nights, Called Into Community mini-retreats, and a multitude of small groups, reaching out to and serving the people in our community by expressing our Savior’s Radical Hospitality in various tangible ways every month, and many of our larger outreach and service-oriented ministries which involve so many of you helping, giving, praying, and serving. Wow – what a year it has been!
What will 2025 hold? We obviously can’t know for sure, but we continue to prayerfully plan and prepare as many opportunities as we can to share Jesus and the hope He brings to our world. I’m excited to see where the Lord is going to lead us in this new year! Thank you all for being part of this amazing community at Immanuel.
I leave you with the What Now? from yesterday’s sermon, as we wrapped up our series on The End of Fear, focusing yesterday on the fear of failure. Just as our Lord commanded Joshua of the Old Testament, He speaks these same words to all of us today – “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go!” (Joshua 1:9) Let’s live with that confidence and that assurance as we step together into 2025!
What Now?
As you set your goals or make your resolutions or simply prepare to step into 2025, don’t be afraid! Take the Lord’s promises to heart – He is with you and He is for you. Give Him opportunity to speak into your fears, into your heart, and into your life every day in this new year, living confidently and fearlessly in His grace!
Serving together in Christ alone!
Pastor Glen
Friends of Immanuel,
The last several updates I’ve highlighted some of the awesome ways that our Savior’s Radical Hospitality has been expressed through this Christmas season. Today, I give thanks to all who gave so generously for the Orchard Place Gift Giving Tree, expressing our Savior’s love in a very tangible way to our neighbors to the south. It took a lot – from so many of you willing to grab a tag (and many of you took multiple tags!) to purchasing gifts and basic necessities, to those who came to put everything together last Wednesday afternoon, to those who brought cookies, who helped deliver the packages, and who were part of the celebration and distribution of the gifts. A special thank you to Teresa Rost who once again led this massive project/ministry, giving a tremendous amount of time, energy, coordination, and more, to make it happen and to share some Christmas love. Thank you, Teresa, and everyone who was part of this!
I asked Teresa to share a bit more with all of us some of the joy that was shared last week. And enjoy the pictures which also capture a glimpse of this wonderful ministry!
Wow, Immanuel! Your love for Jesus shone brightly to the Orchard Place residents! We served 60 kiddos and 49 families with a multitude of gifts, Bibles, and financial support this year. The children and parents were overwhelmed when receiving their gifts at their Christmas party last Thursday evening. Thank you to everyone who purchased a gift for a child, wrapped a gift, donated money towards Bibles and Walmart gift cards, purchased items for the cookie-themed family bags, sorted gifts, delivered gifts, helped with logistics and more! All of the volunteer hours for this project can't possibly be counted. God is soooo good! Teresa
Serving together in Christ alone!
Pastor Glen
Friends of Immanuel,
In March of 2020, when we began our brief remote learning time because of Covid, students in Mrs. Grimm’s 4th and 5th grade class began writing letters to church members each week. The hope was that we could build community between students in our school and Immanuel Church members. In addition, Mrs. Grimm used the experience as a service-learning activity and a writing lesson activity. The feedback we received was that students really enjoyed the opportunity to write these letters, and the letters were enjoyed by the church members. In fact, some of the church members started to write back to students. The students were thrilled!
In the past few years, we have expanded the program to be a more intentional pen pal ministry where letters are reciprocated between the student and member. Students are matched up with church members who agree to write back to the students – and letters are exchanged monthly. It has been amazing to watch this program continue to evolve. Pen Pals were invited to the December Young at Heart’s Christmas program. 4th and 5th grade students shared a mini-Christmas program of Scripture and song. Then students and pen pals were able to connect in person and get to know each other a little better.
Mrs. Grimm has shared that the way God designs the connections between students and their pen pals is nothing short of amazing. Most of the time, the pen pal connections are a random selection of “this” student with “this” adult. Here’s the amazing part of this where God is obviously at work, with these connections and blessings discovered at last week’s Young at Heart’s Christmas program:
- There’s a 5th grade student who ended up being matched last year with a senior adult from our congregation and both share a love of farming! The senior was a farmer for several years and the student wants to run his family’s Century Farm in Iowa when he grows up. They spent time last Friday looking up the Century Farm on Google Maps!!
- Another “random” pairing this year connected a 4th grade student with a couple who used to babysit this student’s mom when she was young. The couple is sharing stories about this young kiddo’s mother when she was a child herself.
One last example is of a pen pal, Sandy, who has recently lost her spouse and had a hard time adjusting to life without her husband. I’d like to share the email Sandy sent Mrs. Grimm after she got home from the Christmas program:
“Hello Mrs. Grimm… this was my very first time to come to Immanuel by myself since Jim was promoted to Heaven. My kids have
brought me a few times, but I could never face it by myself. UNTIL today… so as not to disappoint a sweet little girl [her pen pal]. I could not talk myself out of making the trip… no sick dog… no bad weather… no personal illness… A beautiful bright sunny day!!!!!! So. I
accomplished another “first”… for the sake a young lady named ***. And what fun it was to visit with her. I didn’t have to wonder what we were going to talk about!!! I told her it was so fun to talk with her because we both love to laugh! It was so great. Observing the behavior of the students, it was pretty obvious they have a great deal of respect and admiration for you. May you have a blessed Christmas❤️”
Praise be to God for these wonderful intergenerational connections that He is using to bless children and older adults in some amazing ways!
Serving together in Christ alone!
Pastor Glen
Friends of Immanuel,
There are so many celebrations of Christmas and various Christmas programs happening that it’s hard to keep up! First, this week we have our Preschool Christmas program, including the dress rehearsal on Wednesday at 9:00am and then the program itself on Thursday at 9:00am. All are welcome to come and enjoy these little ones sharing the Christmas story!
Last Thursday we had our Kindergarten through 8th grade Christmas program and then yesterday we enjoyed an amazing Christmas Cantata from our Christmas Choir led by Kathy Schlecht, Immanuel’s Director of Worship and Music Ministries, and in-between the 8:00am and 10:30am worship services, we were treated to lots of cuteness with our Children’s Christmas program led by Miss Emma and Kathy and Elizabeth Grimm, as the children told the story of Christmas in a very fun and creative way!
Why do we do all this? It’s not just a “cuteness” factor, nor is it to provide a musical outlet to those who are musically inclined. It’s not just about having activities to keep us busy. As with everything we do here at Immanuel, it’s because of Jesus! We’re doing all the programs, worship services, beautiful music, fellowship opportunities, decorations, caroling, and more, to help more and more people hear the life-changing news of Jesus and what His birth so long ago still means for us and for our world. With that in mind, I want to share a little bit more today about last Thursday’s K-8 Christmas program for our school ministry.
The school Christmas program was titled, “Jesus was Born this Night.” Under the skilled direction of our music teacher, Mrs. Heidi Kenyon (pictured here), the students learned a total of 18 songs across the grades of K-8. In addition to lots of great singing, students also played Orff instruments, chimes, and bucket drums, and accompanied several songs on these instruments. One audience favorite was the Bucket Drumming that accompanied “The Little Drummer Boy.” The sanctuary was packed with families, friends, and relatives who came from California and Texas and across the state of Colorado…with many more joining in on live stream from around the country. Through all the music, the story of Jesus’ birth was central and points to the reason why and what and who we celebrat
e at Christmas!
Families joined together in the gym for fellowship and cookies afterwards. The compliments to our directors were numerous, including, “That was the best Christmas program I’ve ever seen!” “The music was fantastic!” “The students looked and sounded marvelous!” “I’ve seen so many Christmas programs over the years but none so fine as this one!” “It was wonderful to see this Christmas program tonight!” “This was the best night ever!” “Thank You…Just…Thank You!” One grandparent sent an email that expressed a bit more. Here is some of what she shared: “As a grandparent attending this Christmas program for the first time, I was so humbled and overwhelmed by the excellence exhibited by all the children last evening. There was a sense of welcoming warmth as the program began. The excitement within the children was seen and felt. The music selections from a variety of genres were simply outstanding!! Your music teachers need to be highly commended not only for their skill set, but for their passion to bring music into the lives of children of all ages… I thanked Jesus last evening for the gifts these women have and for imprinting their gifts upon the minds and hearts of all these children; selfishly for my grandson who is a student at Immanuel. Thank you for a beautiful program that shared the wonderful message of our Savior Jesus through music. Last night was a special memory that I will carry in my heart.”
Mrs. Kenyon and Mrs. Grimm both stated that they could not be more proud of these students and all of their hard work to learn their lines, lyrics, motions, and music. All Glory to Jesus, the newborn King whose birthday we celebrate again and again!!!
More stories are coming of the impact our Savior is having on so many people through the ministries and people here at Immanuel. I continue to be encouraged as I hear how so many of you are creatively and boldly reaching out to your friends, neighbors, and co-workers, extending invitations, having conversations, and sharing Jesus and His love with the people in your life!
Serving together in Christ alone!
Pastor Glen
Friends of Immanuel,
We have so many great opportunities here at Immanuel to not only prepare for but to celebrate Jesus and His coming into the world at Christmas.
- This evening at 6:30pm we have our Immanuel Lutheran School Christmas program with our Kindergarteners through 8th grade sharing with music and instruments the great Good News of Jesus’ birth.
- This Sunday, December 15th, our Christmas Choir will be sharing the message of Christmas in both our 8:00 and 10:30 worship services with their annual Christmas cantata.
- Also this Sunday, at 9:30am in between worship services, the children of our congregation will be doing their Children’s Christmas program, followed by a cookie reception.
- Next Wednesday and Thursday, December 18th and 19th, our preschoolers will be sharing their very cute Christmas program with us, starting at 9:00am on both days.
You are welcome to any and all of these fun, festive celebrations and times of worship!
It’s also not too early to be thinking about people you can extend invitations to join you for one or more of our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day worship services. Last Sunday we included a postcard as an insert in our worship folders. On that postcard is listed all of our Christmas worship services as well as a QR code to our website and more information about Immanuel. We’ll have those inserted in this week’s worship folders again and we have many more available at the Information Station as well as on a table in the atrium. I would strongly encourage you to take several with you to invite friends, co-workers, neighbors, or other acquaintances. A personal invitation is the most effective way to reach out to others.
Here is a poster that includes one side of that postcard, listing all the worship services and times. I’d like to highlight two of those services to give a little more clarification of what to expect. The 5:00pm Family Christmas Worship is a worship service that is geared primarily toward families with younger children. The message will include activity and movement and some hands-on take-homes for the children.
The other service I want to highlight is right after that, starting with a 6:30pm Concert of Christmas music. Immanuel is blessed with so many gifted musicians and the 30-minute concert will be pure delight as we hear vocalists and instrumentalists sharing many different genre of Christmas music. The 7:00pm worship service will also include a lot of music, all of it led by an instrumental ensemble and handbell choir. The message for this service will include seven brief reflections from members of Immanuel on various familiar Christmas prophecies and Scripture passages about the Christmas Story.
If you are looking for quiet and calm, the 30-minute Harp and Flute Concert before the 10:00pm Christmas Eve service will fit the bill! The 3:30pm, 7:00pm, and 10:00pm Christmas Eve services will all end with a candlelight ceremony and singing “Silent Night.” I’ll be preaching a sermon at 3:30pm and 10:00pm and then a different message for the Christmas Day service at 9:00am.
Be prayerful and be intentional over these next twelve days when it comes to reaching out to those you know this Christmas. I’m looking forward to celebrating our Savior’s birth with you over and over again in these coming days!
Serving together in Christ alone!
Pastor Glen
Classic Grace Worship - 8:00am
Education Hour for all ages - 9:30am
Contemporary Joy Worship - 10:30am
Classic Grace Worship - 8:00am
Outdoor Contemporary Joy Worship - 9:30am
No Education Hour during the Summer
Have questions for us? Ask!
Immanuel Lutheran Church
Immanuel Lutheran Church and School
4650 Sunview Drive,
Loveland, CO 80538
(on the corner of Highway 287 and 50th Street)
Church office hours:
Monday - Friday: 8am–4pm
Phone: (970) 667-4506