Our Staff
Glen Schlecht - Senior Pastor
I love my family! My wife, Kathy, and I are blessed with four adult children (Zachary, Karina, Jonathan, and David), three daughters-in-law (Anna, Leah, and Cassie), one son-in-law (B.J.), and five grandchildren (Elijah, Payton, Adelyn, Emerson, and Eva). I continue to enjoy sports of all sorts and, in spite of several knee surgeries, I’m still able to play softball in the summer and fall. Camping in Rocky Mountain has been a favorite summer get-away for years and Kathy and I still enjoy going up as often as we can. You need to know that I’m a Green Bay Packers fan – and I bleed green and gold!
As Senior Pastor I love the ministry and the people here at Immanuel. Loveland and the Front Range is an awesome area in which to do ministry and live out the Gospel of our Savior. I also love spending the time I do on preaching and looking for ways to help people more clearly understand the relevance of Jesus and the Scriptures to their lives and the place Jesus wants to have in their hearts – that was what I did my doctoral work on, studying Semiotics and Future Studies at George Fox Seminary under Leonard Sweet. (If you’re interested in reading all or some of my dissertation, just click on the attachment below – I would love to hear any feedback or thoughts you have on this important topic!)
The people and the possibilities are what excite me about ministry at Immanuel. The people here at Immanuel are so gifted and have such a heart for the Lord, compassion for others, and a willingness to try lots of different things for the Kingdom. The Lord’s resources never go dry and I love to see people discover where God is calling them to serve and minister in their lives.
Read my dissertation here:
Kathy Schlecht - Director of Worship and Music Ministries
I was born and raised in the great state of Minnesota, attending Concordia University-St. Paul for my undergrad degrees in Church Music and K-12 Music Education. It was there I met my husband, and it was his call to Immanuel that brought us to the also great state of Colorado.
My greatest joy in life is being a Mom and parenting together with my husband (who gives the info on our kids and grandkids in his bio). Along with that privilege, God has called me to serve him in the areas of worship and music, something for which he started preparing me early in life.
I am so thankful for the opportunity I have to use the gifts God has given me in the area of both music and worship here at Immanuel, a unique and truly amazing community of God’s people. There are so many here who give of their time and talent through the music and worship ministry, serving together to enhance our times of worship. At Immanuel, when we enter the sanctuary for worship, we know we are leaving the “me” behind as we, together, receive God’s gifts offered in worship and respond together to those gifts.
Many churches, across denominations, have experienced change in what worship looks like—style of music, elements included or discarded from the service, the addition of technology, etc. To help Immanuel navigate these changes in a God-pleasing manner, I returned to school in the area of worship, receiving my Master of Worship Studies, followed by a Doctor of Worship Studies, both from the Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies.
I hope you have an opportunity to visit and discover how welcoming Immanuel’s community is. We’d love to worship with you and your family!
Read my dissertation here:
Robin Dugall - Director of Discipleship and Connecting Ministries
Hi friends in Jesus! My name is Robin and I'm a Husband (to Vicky for more than 30 years), Father (to three adult children), Papa (we have seven grandgirls), Friend, Ministry Leader, Musician, and your Brother in Jesus. In the Spring of 2021, we moved from the small town of McCall, Idaho, where we had lived for six years, to Loveland, Colorado. After more than 40 YEARS of serving churches as a Senior Pastor, Associate Pastor, Youth Ministry leader and Musician/Worship leader, I "retired" from full-time church work in August of 2021 to dedicate myself to my academic/teaching journey as well as new opportunities to serve the Lord in a new season of life. Besides the joy of being a part of the Biblical Studies Faculty of Azusa Pacific University (Azusa, CA), I also teach and mentor church leaders (online) for the Mission Training Center at Concordia University in Irvine, California (classes in Biblical Interpretation and Spiritual Formation/Care). In early 2022, I received an invitation from Pastor Glen and our congregation’s leaders to join the ministry staff at Immanuel. Truthfully, it is one of the greatest blessings in my life as a follower of Jesus to be joining the staff to champion our church’s ministry values of discipleship/spiritual formation and relational connecting!
Vicky and I love our church and praise God for how the Spirit is using our gifts, passions, and talents to make a difference in the ministry of our congregation. In addition to serving the Lord besides you in this wonderful community, I am often a guest preacher, teacher, and ministry trainer/consultant for Christian churches/congregations across the country on areas of Kingdom ministry, which include leadership development and discipleship. I'm a firm believer in participating in the "Missio Dei" (the Mission of God). In other words, no matter where I live, I pray that I can have "eyes to see and ears to hear" what the Spirit of God is doing in my spheres of influence and relationships so that I can join Him in His redemptive work. I'm a musician, dreamer, catalyst, and family guy. So, in addition to living life for Jesus and being a committed Christ-follower, I live a full life as a family man and friend. I have written several published works: a book on Worship Experiences for Students, a major essay for a book entitled, The Gospel According to Superheroes, in addition to numerous articles and devotionals published in magazines, websites and blogs. I have a deep spiritual passion for participating in the work of God’s Kingdom, Discipleship training, Music and Worship ministry, growing to maturity in Christ, and living in a vibrant relationship with Jesus! Yes, I have a few academic degrees, but my identity is built on the grace of God, the love of my family and friends, and partnering with my Lord in His redemptive plan and mission. My desire is to be a difference maker for Jesus in my world to the glory of God! I also have a website full of discipleship resources and devotional material (robindugall.com). You can always contact me at rdugall@immanuelloveland.org.
Emma Giger
Director of Christian Education Intern
My family is made up of my parents, both church workers, my two younger brothers, one very fluffy dog, and me! They currently live in Fishers, IN with the exception of my first brother, who is at CSP with me. I have lived in 5 (soon to be 6!) states, Ohio, Arizona, Michigan, Indiana, and Minnesota. I enjoy playing games, being with others (I am an extrovert, but I try not to be overwhelming ), creating, reading, going outside, the occasional rock-climb, and watching movies. My hobbies include running, hiking, painting, drawing, discussing theological concepts, and general adventuring. The Spirit placed the idea of being a DCE on my heart at a pretty young age, but I tried some other paths until my second year of college when I was studying to be an art teacher. It was then that I found I was interested in working with people of all ages. I met with the program director, tried one DCE class, and was hooked! I have loved learning, but I am even more excited to start learning and working as a DCE intern. Next year, I am looking forward to getting to know everyone at Immanuel, getting to work on the ministry team, and seeing what God has in store for this new adventure!
If you want to learn more about Emma, she also shared with me her CSP portfolio – https://sites.google.com/csp.edu/emmagigerportfolio?usp=sharing.
Cheryl Gilbert - School Principal
Immanuel Lutheran Church and School is a very special place and I am blessed to be the Director of Immanuel Lutheran School. As the Director of the staff I am able to serve with a talented staff who love God! I have been part of the Immanuel ministry since 1990. During these years I have had the joy and privilege of teaching preschoolers about Jesus, and see the Holy Spirit work in families. I also have enjoyed organizing the child development center and planning Immanuel’s Kings Kids Summer Camp. It is a true blessing to be part of a community that shines the love of Jesus through worship, bible studies and activities for all ages!
My husband and I have lived in Loveland since I started at Immanuel. During that time God has blessed us with three beautiful children. Most of our “free” time is spent with our children and watching them participate in sports and activities! All three of our children were blessed to attend Immanuel Lutheran School from preschool through eighth grade. During those years they received a great academic education and were told about God’s love on a daily basis.
My family and I have been extremely blessed to be part of the Immanuel family and I continue to look forward to what God has in store for Immanuel’s ministry.
Rick Overton – Executive Director of Immanuel Lutheran High School
For four marvelous weeks I was happily retired after 25 years of serving in public education! Then, with gladness and excitement, I followed God’s leading to this new role and opportunity at Immanuel. I am blessed with Annette as my wife, our four adult children (Ashley, Adam, Stephen and Susannah), a daughter- in-law (Jessie), a son-in-law, (Colt) and three grandchildren (Meredith, Zoe, and Ryan). Annette and I moved to Colorado over 20 years ago after living in California (where I served as a LT. in the Navy, and New Mexico (where I worked for an insurance and investment firm). Over the years I have taken on many hobbies – I love to fly fish, ride motorcycles (I have a BMW RT-1200), draw, paint, hike, camp, and cook (especially BBQ!). As an educator, I love working with students, staff, and families! Learning is fun and a part of all our lives! I’m especially looking forward to working at Immanuel where the love and redemptive work of Christ can be openly shared in the process of academic learning! My background experience well equipped me for this new adventure (I have 3 master’s degrees in education as well as a master’s in theology and a doctorate in theology from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary). I look forward to our journey of a Christ-centered and God-honoring high school here at Immanuel Lutheran Church!
Dawn Bowers - Director of Accounting and Finance
I am thankful for the opportunity to serve with the Leadership team here at Immanuel. As a CPA, I have spent most of my career in the faith-based not-for-profit healthcare environment and have held Director-level positions in Accounting, Finance, and Internal Audit. As Pastor Glen told me early on, I was transferring my professional skills from a hospital caring for patients to a church caring for Christians.
I was raised in Southern California and graduated from California Lutheran University. I followed my parents to Colorado in 1993 to raise my two daughters and I am so very proud of the women they have become; Denise is a nurse and Lauren is a high school teacher. They are both married to great guys and our family now includes my four small grandchildren.
Spending time with family and friends is my favorite thing to do. I enjoy outdoor activities, including off-roading and spending time in the mountains, and lake camping and boating with my family. I look forward to moving to Loveland, making new friends and becoming a part of the Immanuel community.
Amanda Sexton - Accountant
I’m excited to be working at Immanuel as an accountant. My husband Tim and I are both Colorado natives! I grew up in Loveland, went to school at CSU in Fort Collins, where I met Tim, and lived in Denver for 10 years. I worked at an accounting firm, KPMG, up until we had our son, Briggs. We moved to Loveland in 2022 and I’m excited that my first job after staying home with my son, is at Immanuel. I know so many families, my family included, that have had their lives impacted by the church and school and am thrilled to contribute my profession experience to support their mission!
I love to cook, play soccer, take family bike rides, SUP with friends, and spend time with my large and fast growing family!
Beth Bianco - Church Receptionist/Administrative Assistant
I absolutely love Immanuel Church & School and am so excited to serve in the position of Church Receptionist and Office Assistant! My family and I have been members of Immanuel for 22 years. We joined right after my husband and I got married and have been blessed to raise our girls in this church community.
As a Colorado native, my hobbies include enjoying the amazing creation of God! I also enjoy reading.
Ashley Jones - Director of Communications and Marketing
I was born in Texas, raised in Arizona, and attended Concordia University Wisconsin for college, where I studied Multimedia Communication, Youth Ministry, and Psychology. My husband, Nic, and I moved to Colorado in 2015 and we have three children: Evy, Leo and Carsten. Our favorite family activity is going to the zoo, going to playgrounds, and spending time walking in nature. In my “free” time, I also have a photography business and a book business as an PaperPie Brand Partner.
As Immanuel’s Ministry Support Specialist, I will support its ministry in a variety of areas, including social media, communications, and marketing. There are so many different avenues that God can use, and I am excited to see how he can use me to bless this church!
Leah Rue - Administrative Assistant
Jodi Hoehne - Director of Human Relations
I am excited to be part of the wonderful Immanuel family as the HR Director. I grew up in the Lutheran church and am grateful to be able to be part of the ministry in this way. My husband, Matt, serves as a Minister of Music and Worship, and our oldest daughter is currently teaching at Lutheran High School in Parker, Colorado. We have three other daughters. currently in college or graduate school, that were blessed to attend various Lutheran grade schools and high schools.
I enjoy reading, watching sports and exploring God's creation, especially in northern Minnesota.
Sean Norton - Director of Facilities and Grounds
Hello, I’m Sean Norton. Family is at the core of everything I do, and I take great pride in nurturing and supporting my loved ones. Whether it’s embarking on outdoor adventures with my daughters, sharing the thrill of long-boarding with my youngest as she rides her skateboard, or witnessing the growth and compassion of my oldest daughter, these moments are the highlights of my life.
In addition to my family, my passion for woodworking allows me to express my creativity and craftsmanship. From crafting intricate tables and chairs to designing unique furniture pieces, woodworking is not just a hobby but a form of art that brings me immense satisfaction.
One of the greatest joys in my life is supporting and empowering my wife to thrive as an individual. I believe in building her up, encouraging her capabilities to shine, and fostering her growth in every aspect of her life. Together, we navigate life’s challenges with unwavering faith, knowing that our journey is guided by a higher power.
As I tackle uphill battles and embrace challenges with determination, I am constantly reminded of the importance of faith and gratitude. Without God, none of our accomplishments and blessings would be possible. It is through this belief that I find strength, purpose, and fulfillment in all that I do.
Jerri Van Zanten - Custodian

Classic Grace Worship - 8:00am
Education Hour for all ages - 9:30am
Contemporary Joy Worship - 10:30am
Classic Grace Worship - 8:00am
Outdoor Contemporary Joy Worship - 9:30am
No Education Hour during the Summer
Immanuel Lutheran Church
Immanuel Lutheran Church and School
4650 Sunview Drive,
Loveland, CO 80538
(on the corner of Highway 287 and 50th Street)
Church office hours:
Monday - Friday: 8am–4pm
Phone: (970) 667-4506