Kathy Schlecht is Immanuel’s Director of Worship and Music Ministries (kschlecht@immanuelloveland.org or 970-667-4506), leading, directing, scheduling, and overseeing these important aspects of our times of worship.

The opportunities to serve in worship support include:
- Ushers
- Greeters
- Scripture Readers
- Communion Servers
- Acolytes (lighting candles – children)
- Screen Support
- Sound Support
- Live Stream Support
- Altar Guild Team
- Counters for the Sunday Offerings
If any of these opportunities sound interesting to you, or if you have questions about any of them, Kathy would be happy to talk with you!

Classic Grace Worship - 8:00am
Education Hour for all ages - 9:30am
Contemporary Joy Worship - 10:30am
Classic Grace Worship - 8:00am
Outdoor Contemporary Joy Worship - 9:30am
No Education Hour during the Summer
Immanuel Lutheran Church
Immanuel Lutheran Church and School
4650 Sunview Drive,
Loveland, CO 80538
(on the corner of Highway 287 and 50th Street)
Church office hours:
Monday - Friday: 8am–4pm
Phone: (970) 667-4506